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班级:地信121 学号:********** 姓名:*** -------------------------------------------------------------------- 数字城市对人类生活的影响摘要:它将彻底地改变人们生活、工作、学习、娱乐的方式。关键词:数字城市;生活影响;可持续发展 Digital city's impact on human life Abstract: With the development of economy and science and technology, "digital city" increasingly in-depth research. The construction of "digital city" got enough attention at home and abroad. The digital city construction of our country is under the environment of government attaches great importance to have achieved good performance, influence the construction of digital city are thinking about our lives, it makes our life become more intelligent, high-speeding and facilitation. At the same time digital city construction play an important role on the sustainable development of city, the outlook will greatly change people's life concept, lifestyle, and the quality of life, the relationship between the two affects the direction and speed of the social and economic development. Digital city to produce earth-shaking changes people's life, he is a new era of scientific and technological achievements, the internal demand of sustainable development of city, with the continuous development of city, the development of the digital city will be related to human life, it will completely change the way people live, work, study and entertainment. Keywords: digital city; Life influence; sustainable development 1 绪论 1.2 研究的目的和意义 1.2.1 研究目的 据不完全统计,我国已有220多个城市开展了数字城市建设,其中40余个城市已经在一定范围内建成城市建设和管理的信息化应用系统,涉及到城市的规划、国土、城管、公安、工商、税务、环保、房产、卫生、药监等30多个领域,其经济效益、社会效益和行政效能十分显著,这些邻域极大的改善和影响着我们的生活,所以如何改善,影响范围是我们迫切需要了解的问题。 1.2.2 研究意义 充分利用城市现有的数据和信息资源,使城市的地理、环境、人口、经济和社会等复杂系统数字化、网络化、可视化,能够实现对城市资源的优化配置,减少城市资源的浪费和城市功能的重复,为城市整体发展规划和发展战略的制定提供科学决策的工具,使城市规划更具前瞻性、科学性和及时性,为城市的可持续发展提供有力的帮助。 随着“数字城市”逐步深入人们的工作和生活,人们的行为方式将发生巨大改变。人们获取知识、处理事物会非常快,人与人之间的交往也会非常简便。智能化住宅小区、智能交通、网上政务、网上医疗、网上购物等使城市居民的工作和生活发生革命性的变革,人们有更大的自由按照自己喜欢的生活方式生活,各种各样难以想象的生活方式都将出现。 2 数字城市现状 2.1 数字城市概念 随着计算机技术和互联网技术的飞速发展,二十一世纪将是信息化、网络化、数字化、智能化的新世


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