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教学实习教案 新视野大学英语教程 Unit 6 Section A As His Name Is, So Is He! 教 师: 学 生:一年级学生 上课时间:2011年4月12日 10:15-12:00 2011年4月19日 10:15-12:00 上课地点:教四C507 教学内容:Unit 6 Section A As His Name Is, So Is He! 教学目标:1.了解课文相关的背景知识和姓名文化 2.掌握教学大纲中规定的单词和词组 3.熟悉词语搭配和语言点 4.了解课文情节和课文结构 教学内容:1.lead-in 讨论问题和介绍姓名文化 2.详解大纲规定重点单词和词组,应用举例 3.分析讲解课文框架结构 4.讲解课文语言点,难点 教学方法:以多媒体辅助,学生为主体的交互式教学,小组讨论和独立思考相结合。 时间分配:1.lead-in 问题讨论 35 mins 2.姓名文化ppt展示 15mins 3.单词和词组讲解 50mins (以上为第一次上课内容) 4.单词复习练习(选词填空)10mins 5.课文结构分析20mins 6.就每一部分分别回答问题,讲解语言点 PartⅠ20mins PartⅡ20mins PartⅣ20mins PartⅢ10mins 具体上课步骤和内容: Ⅰ.Lead-in A. Talk about names (discuss in groups, then answer the questions) 1. What’s the meaning of the title? Do you think so? 2. What are the functions of name? 3. Do you think a person’s name is important? Why or why not? 4. What is your name? What is the meaning of your name? 5. Do you like your name? Why or why not? B. slid show about name culture. Ⅱ.Words and phrases Listen to the record of words and phrases. Learn words and phrases. Elegant ?? Adj. graceful and attractive in appearance or behavior 一个优雅的女人 an elegant woman 讲究的套装 a very elegant suit 高雅的餐厅 an elegant dining room Application n. 1. [C or U] an official request for something, usually in writing 申请信 a letter of application South Africa has submitted an application to host the World Cup. 2. [C, U] the use of a particular method, law, process, etc. 这项新发明会在工业上获得广泛的运用。 The new invention would have wide application in industry. Substitute ?? 1. Vt. to use something or someone instead of another thing or person substitute A for B 用A代替B replace A with B 用B代替A 在这种烹饪法里可以用油代替黄油。 You can substitute oil for butter in this recipe. Replace A with B 用B代替A 政府决定以汽油代替煤炭。 The government decided to replace coal with


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