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1: International Olympic Committee (IOC) president国际奥委会主席 2:the Beijing Capital International Airport北京首都国际机场 3:chair a series of meetings主持一系列的会议 4: honorary president名誉主席 5: dress rehearsal of the Beijing Olympics opening北京奥运会开幕式带装彩排 6: organizing committee of the Beijing Games北京奥运会组委会 7:be kept in top secrecy高度保密 8: leak the secret泄密 9: showcase the essence of Chinas rich culture展示中华丰富的文化的精髓 10: strengthen security measures加强安全措施 每日词汇(08年8月2日) (转载请注明出处) 1: cope with应对,处理 2: Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC)中国民航总局 3:ahead of在...前面,先于 4:compared with与...相比 5:the volume of passengers客流量 6:heads of state国家首脑 7:chartered flights包机 8: special/private flights专机 9: collaborate closely with other departments同相关部门密切合作 10:a plane bound for Beijing飞往北京的飞机 每日词汇(08年8月3日) (转载请注明出处) 1: by coincidence碰巧 2:the National Stadium, or the Birds Nest 国家体育场鸟巢 3:start operation开始运作 4: last-minute preparations最后的准备 5: be open to traffic通车 6: countries that have diplomatic ties with China与中国有外交关系的国家 7: guarantee the safety of the Games确保奥运会的安全 8: lack of understanding缺少了解 9: presidential campaign总统竞选 10: opinion poll选举投票;民意测验 每日词汇(08年8月4日) (转载请注明出处) 1: zero tolerance policy零容忍政策 2: doping test药检 3: Chinese 110m hurdler Liu Xiang中国110米跨栏选手刘翔 4: soccer star足球明星 5: brand name商标名称,牌子 6: only next t0仅次于 7: a perfect opportunity for us to consolidate our leading position in Chinese market一个绝好的机会来巩固我们在中国的主导地位 8: made the remarks when在---的时候发表了这样的评论 9: cordial service服务周到 10: speak highly of高度评价 每日词汇(08年8月5日) (转载请注明出处) 1: bear the brunt of首当其冲 2: late president已故总统/主席/校长/会长 3: observe a minutes silence to mourn the victims of为---默哀一分钟 4: rebuild ones home重建家园 5: consider buying another apartment on the cheap考虑买另外一套便宜房子便宜地(经济地) 6: decline to comment不愿发表评论 7: speculative investor投机投资商 8: trigger a financial crisis引发金融危机 9: to be on the safe side为了安全起见 10: be likely to work overtime可能要加班 每日词汇(08年8月6日) (转载请注明出处) 1: The chances of ---- are slim---的机会比较小/渺茫 2:kick off


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