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药学英语 甘草课件
甘 草;Origins
Plant Morphology
Collection and Preparation
Production and Commerce
Microscopical Characters
Chemical Constituents
Indication;Origins;Plant Morphology;乌拉尔甘草:
本品为多年生草本,高30~100 cm ,全株被有白色软毛和腺鳞或腺毛。
根茎圆柱形,主根甚长,粗壮,外皮红棕色至深棕色,味甜。;Stem erect, branchlets with ridges. Leaves pinnately compound, alternate, leaflets 7~17, ovate or broadly ovate, entire;
stipules deciduous.; 茎直立,小枝上有背脊。
羽状复叶互生,小叶7~17枚,卵形或宽卵形,全缘;托叶脱落。;蝶形花;总状花序腋生,花密集,花萼钟状,5裂;花冠蝶状,紫红色或蓝紫色;雄蕊10枚,二强雄蕊;子房无柄,向上渐细,成为花柱。;Legume (pod) curved to be sickle-like, densely covered with brown prickly glandular hairs. Seeds 2~8, black, smooth. Flowering season Jun.~Jul.; fruiting season Jul.~Aug..
荚果弯曲成镰刀状,密被黄褐色刺状腺毛。;Glycyrrhiza inflata Bat. : Plant without glandular hairs; leaflets 3-7; Legume small, inflated. Distributed in Xinjiang and Gansu.;Glycyrrhiza glabra L.: Plant without glandular hairs; leaflets 19; Legume flat and straight, glabrous. Distributed in Xinjiang, Qinghai and Gansu.;甘草主产于内蒙古、甘肃、新疆
内蒙古五原、陕西、山西、新疆产者次之。;Collection and Preparation ;;Description;Texture compact, fracture slightly fibrous, yellowish-white, starchy, cambium ring distinct, rays radiate, some with clefts. Rhizomes cylindrical, externally with bud scars, pith present in the centre of fracture. Odour, slight; taste, sweet and characteristic.;Radix Glycyrrhizae inflata: Roots and rhizomes woody and stout, some branched, the outer bark rough, mostly greyish-brown. Texture compact, lignified fibres abundant, and less starchy, Rhizomes with more and large adventitious buds.
Radix Glycyrrhizae glabra: Texture of root and rhizomes relatively compact, some branched, the outer bark not rough, mostly greyish-brown, lenticels small and indistinct. ;1. Phelloderm relatively narrow.
2. most phloem fibres in parenchymatous cells containing prisms of calcium oxalate;
3. Sieve tube
4. Fascicular cambium distinct.
5. Xylem rays
in boundles,
6. Roots without pi