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Chapter 3;3.1 Introduction;What is the data object ?;What is the data structure ?; Language independent Abstract Data Type C++ Interface Abstract Class;3.2 Linear Lists;Linear List Examples;线性表的特征 有且仅有一个开始结点(表头结点)e0,它没有直接前驱,只有一个直接后继; 有且仅有一个终端结点(表尾结点)en,它没有直接后继,只有一个直接前驱; 其它结点都有一个直接前驱和直接后继; 元素之间为一对一的线性关系。 元素有序,个数有限,类型相同。;;3.3 Formula-based Representation 3.3.1 Representation;0;Representation Used In Text;Add / Remove An Element;Data Type Of Array element[ ];Length of Array element[ ];Increasing Array Length;Increasing Array Length;Increasing Array Length;Altogether Now;How Big Should The New Array Be?;Space Complexity;Array Doubling;How Big Should The New Array Be?;How Big Should The New Array Be?;Linear List As C++ Abstract Class;3.3.2 The Exception Class NoMen;3.3.3 Operations;Program 3.3 elementary list operations templateclass T LinearListT::LinearList (int MaxListSize) { MaxSize = MaxListSize; element = new T[ MaxSize ]; length = 0; } templateclass T bool LinearListT::Find (int k, T x) const { if ( k1 || klength ) return false; // no kth x = element [k-1]; return true; };Program 3.3 elementary list operations;Program 3.4 Deletion from a linear list template class T LinearListT LinearListT:: Delete (int k, T x) { if (Find(k, x)) // move elements k+1, ..., down {for ( int i = k; i length; i++ ) element [i-1] = element [i]; length--; return *this ; } else throw OutOfBounds( ); } the time complexity is O(length-k)s).;Program 3.5 Insertion into a linear list template class T LinearListT LinearListT::Insert (int k, const T x) { if (k0 || klength) throw OutOfBounds( ); if (length == MaxSize) throw NoMem( ); for (int i = length-1; i = k; i--) element [i+1] = element [i]; element [k] = x; length++; return *this ; } The complexity of Insert is O(length-k)s). ;Program 3.6 Inserting a list into the output stream template class T void LinearListT::Output(ostream


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