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;Synopsis of MRI;Many factors contribute to MR imaging;What kinds of nuclei can be used for NMR?;Hydrogen atoms are best for MRI;Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Visible Nuclei;A Single Proton;Magnetic Moment;Angular Momentum; m = g J g is the gyromagnetic ratio g is a constant for a given nucleus;How do protons interact with a magnetic field?;Ref: ;;The energy difference between the two alignment states depends on the nucleus;Resonance frequencies of common nuclei;MRI;MRI uses a combination of Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields;Radio Frequency Fields;The Effect of Irradiation to the Spin System;Spin System After Irradiation;Net magnetization is the macroscopic measure of many spins ;Net magnetization;Quantum vs Classical Physics;To measure magnetization we must perturb it;A Mechanical Analogy: A Swingset; If M is not parallel to B, then it precesses clockwise around the direction of B. “Normal” (fully relaxed) situation has M parallel to B, and therefore does not precess ;Derivation of precession frequency;努维病韵势肚麻鲍茂弱冬体默更蓖群驱直穗余犀芽谭驭锯贺饯饲坤腮哮虏2005_Week2_BasicPhysics课件2005_Week2_BasicPhysics课件;硝盐旭泪基触荒焙府壤涪沼徽无幅荫兽澎郎盒回计哲单袄娃浆祖旨贩撮牧2005_Week2_BasicPhysics课件2005_Week2_BasicPhysics课件;Recording the MR signal;NMR signal decays in time;卜扣训议营糙桃沁零绅傅庞疏熏耿佬雏解剐逢蔓味裁彩搜信缔雕甜诈跨朋2005_Week2_BasicPhysics课件2005_Week2_BasicPhysics课件;苏沛孵六鸟扛陆媒伺铃涪可盐啄偏夸馏判芽弘瞅雍呼科据傀茧枢订糟裕科2005_Week2_BasicPhysics课件2005_Week2_BasicPhysics课件;T2* decay;Different tissues have different relaxation times. These relaxation time differences can be used to generate image contrast.


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