Boyszone 英语0901班课件.ppt

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Boyszone 英语0901班课件

EMILY DICKINSON (1830-1886);;;;;Family and childhood;;Teenage years;Dickinson was troubled from a young age by the “deepening menace” of death, especially the deaths of those who were close to her. When Sophia Holland, her second cousin and a close friend, grew ill from typhus and died in April, 1844, Emily was traumatized(受创伤).Recalling the incident two years later, Emily wrote that it seemed to me I should die too if I could not be permitted to watch over her or even look at her face.“ She became so melancholic that her parents sent her to stay with family in Boston to recover. With her health and spirits restored, she soon returned to Amherst Academy to continue her studies. ;;Adulthood and seclusion;Two years after his death, she revealed to her friend Abiah Root the extent of her depression: ...?some of my friends are gone, and some of my friends are sleeping – sleeping the churchyard sleep – the hour of evening is sad – it was once my study hour – my master has gone to rest, and the open leaf of the book, and the scholar at school alone, make the tears come, and I cannot brush them away; I would not if I could, for they are the only tribute I can pay the departed Humphrey. ;Reclusion;;Early influence and writing;Dickinson was familiar not only with the Bible but also with contemporary popular literature. She was probably influenced by Lydia Maria Childs Letters from New York, another gift from Newton.;;Publication;Complete poetic works; Poetic Works ;Famous Poems ;;;;Her place in literary history ;I heard a fly buzz –when I died;I heard a fly buzz—when I died1-4行 在这一段里 诗中人描述了本诗的背景 她躺在自己即将死亡的床上房内的沉静及一只苍蝇的嗡嗡声 显示出一种死亡的气氛 The stillness…room 屋内默然沉静的状态 like the stillness in the air 像在暴风雨来临之前 天空中的一片宁静 the heaves of storm 暴风雨的起伏之状 ;;;;;;;;;Because I could not stop for Death;Because I could not stop for Death;; The end


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