2016-2017学年度高中英语 Unit 12 Culture Shock Period Five课件 北师大版必修4.pptVIP

2016-2017学年度高中英语 Unit 12 Culture Shock Period Five课件 北师大版必修4.ppt

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2016-2017学年度高中英语 Unit 12 Culture Shock Period Five课件 北师大版必修4

* Period Five —— 课前预习 基础落实 课堂讲义 核心突破 当堂达标 检测巩固 栏目索引 Ⅰ.单词检测 1. n. 剪刀 2. n. 垃圾箱 3. n. 相加,增加物 4. n. 差异,差别 Ⅱ.短语检测 1. 帮助某人摆脱困境 2. 与……有关 3. 结束;终止 答案 词语识记 课前预习 基础落实 scissors dustbin addition contrast help sb. out be associated with bring an end to 1....because they were associated with the“Dreamtime”,the time when the Earth was formed and cycles of life and nature began. ……因为它们与“梦想时代”有关,梦想时代就是地球形成、生命的轮回和自然开始出现的时期。 2.It is said that there are more than 200 different kinds! 据说有200多个不同的种类! 句式背诵 返回 addition n.相加,增加物;加法 (1)Note the addition of a web link at the bottom of the report. 请注意报道底部附加的网页链接。 课堂讲义 核心突破 重点单词 1 in addition除此之外,另外,是副词短语 in addition to除……之外(还),是介词短语 additional adj.增加的;额外的;另外的 [归纳拓展] (2)The man worked him sixteen hours a day and beat him in addition. 那个人让他一天干活十六个小时,而且还打他。 (3)In addition to such subjects,the department also taught mathematics and geography. 除这些科目以外,系里还教授数学和地理。 用in addition,in addition to填空 (1) native plants,this garden contains numerous trees and flowers from overseas. (2)This garden has the best collection of native plants. ,it contains numerous trees and flowers from overseas. (3)The products are nice. ,the price is low. (4)They also bought a lot of fruit some bread. 答案 [即时跟踪] In addition to In addition In addition in addition to contrast n.差异,差别;v.对比,对照 (1)The contrast in appearance between the sisters was striking. 两姐妹在相貌上有显著的差别。 2 [归纳拓展] in/by contrast与之相比;相比之下 in contrast to/with与……相比之下 contrast...with...使……与……形成对比 (2)By contrast,he is much cleverer. 相比之下,他要机灵得多。 (3)In contrast to/with her sister,she is very tall. 与姐姐相比,她个子很高。 (1)和我们的房子相比,这个新房是一座宫殿。 our house,the new one is a palace. (2)看看他们的新系统,相比之下我们的就显得太过时了。 When you look at their new system,ours seems very old-fashioned . [即时跟踪] 答案 In contrast to/with by contrast preserve vt.保存,保护,保持;n.保护区,禁猎区 (1)(原句)Some of the most spectacular a



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