Cyasorb uv-3808PP5应用课件.ppt

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Cyasorb uv-3808PP5应用课件

ADVANCES IN UV STABILIZATION FOR AUTOMOTIVE POLYMERS: UV PERFORMANCE, NON-FOGGING, MOLD DEPOSIT AND PAINT ADHESION 紫外光稳定作用对汽车聚合物的突出表现在: 光稳定性能,不易起雾,模具沉淀物和涂层附着力 ; Auto Plastics Applications, 汽车塑料件的应用 Typical TPO Formulation and Desired Properties, 典型TPO配方和性能要求 Factors in the Selection of UV Additives, 紫外光添加剂选用的系数 Trends in Automotive UV Additives, 紫外光添加剂在汽车应用领域中的趋势 Improve UV Performance, 提高紫外光稳定性能 Non-Fogging Properties, 不易起雾 No Mold Deposits, 无模具沉淀物产生 Higher Paint Adhesion, 对涂层强附着力 Conclusions, 结论;Fender Liners and Flares 挡泥板内衬和外侧; ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????;Auto TPO Formulation Variables 汽车TPO配方变量;Effects of Selected Auto TPO / PP Formulation Ingredients 选择汽车用TPO / PP配方中部分组份的作用;Desired Properties for Auto TPO /PP Formulations 对汽车TPO /PP 配方的性能要求;Which Stabilization Strategy Should be Used? 必须使用哪种稳定战略呢?;Volatile 挥发性 HALS;Improved UV Performance 高效的紫外光性能; ;Low MW HALS Solubility/Migration Balance (ie., blooming potential in non-polar polymers);Blooming Properties of low MW HALS in PP Homopolymer 低分子量受阻胺在PP均聚物中的起霜现象 ;Gloss Retention: Green PP plaques 光泽保留率:绿色PP样板 PP homopolymer containing 0.25% phthalo-green 含0.25%酞菁绿的PP均聚物 ;Sample 1;Color Stability: Black Reactor TPO containing Low MW HALS 含低分子量受阻胺的黑色反应釜制TPO的颜色稳定性能;New Synergistic UV System for the UV Stabilization of TPO / PP Auto Compounds 针对TPO / PP光稳定作用的新型高效UV体统 ;Color Stability of Black ? Reactor TPO containing Low MW HALS and UV-2908 含低分子量HALS和UV-2908的黑色反应釜制TPO的颜色稳定性能;Conventional Approach for the UV Stabilization of TPO / PP Auto Compounds 传统型TPO / PP 汽车混料光稳定作用的途径 ;园剧潮矗轧鸽巳搔帕宠踪领堂霞雹际哲脉钠责毅涛逊颅含瘴帧燃驮卞宽尊Cyasorb uv-3808PP5应用课件Cyasorb uv-3808PP5应用课件;UV Stabilization of Pigmented PP 着色PP光稳定作用 (Xenon Arc WOM- Auto Interior SAE J 1885 Conditions) 氙灯老化-汽车内饰件SAE J 1885 测试标准;UV Stabilization of Pigmented PP 着色PP光稳定作用 (Xenon Arc WOM- Auto Inte


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