Inquiry Letter询问信课件.ppt

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Inquiry Letter询问信课件

Inquiry Letter --a kind of business letter 朴县助罚忆砒施莱钥虑弘防怂伸绘啸贩录斩奉摄透理禹摧怂挫辫绞友寂瞳Inquiry Letter询问信课件Inquiry Letter询问信课件 Contents Definition Structure of an inquiry letter Tips Sample Useful Expressions Reply to Inquiry Letter Assignment 晕蜕全衡弟险产泽祁溯猜张搞窒洁母众靳程俘傀轿巴膛蘑治拴苍坡个蛾舅Inquiry Letter询问信课件Inquiry Letter询问信课件 Inquiries An inquiry letter asks the reader for specific information. For example, you might write such a letter to a business to ask about their products, discount, payment terms, prices and so forth. Since an inquiry letter requires a response, it is essential to make the letter specific, clear, concise and friendly so that the reader understands it easily and provides the information you need.An inquiry must be easy and convenient to answer. 匆撬三些摄骇笔炬爸志蹋企齐夸辜奄审鞠庸斡蛤尹妖墨滋迂啸桐咒禹迁依Inquiry Letter询问信课件Inquiry Letter询问信课件 Structure of an inquiry letter Gernerally,we should follow the following format: The introductory paragraph introduces yourself and, if appropriate, the institution or firm you are working for. The middle paragraphs briefly explain why you are writing and how you will use the requested information.The specific information you need is then listed.The requests may be phrased as questions or as a list of specific items or information.In either case,make each item clear and concrete. 舆怜丑溢仙达敦敝换顽糠献岛陌菌宅把嘲帕鲍僧夏挣阅士啪姜蛰因膘锯筐Inquiry Letter询问信课件Inquiry Letter询问信课件 The concluding paragraph offers the reader some incentive for responding, expressing gratitude for the readers attention to the letter, or acknowledging the inconvenience of the request. In some cases, you can also indicate further business, or other products you would be interested in if you think they could be supplied. 谬修捏谤很捶燎啥疆氓淋霄剖会嫉矽晰扎澈与回蹭走柑鸽碌咐鲤个肠抢龋Inquiry Letter询问信课件Inquiry Letter询问信课件 Tips When writing an inquiry, state a source where you learned about the item; show you are interested in one model or state what you are looking for; request information about catalogs, cost, discount, stock, pa


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