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Language points 科热况亢虎女琢阴诲妨钥俊按易沟荐弱苗概鞠涧咸酬绥湛绷讽帅佰辣察抱unit1__Friendship_Reading知识点讲解课件unit1__Friendship_Reading知识点讲解课件 Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts? like 为介词 = such as You want a friend You could tell everything to 缺少宾语 a friend whom 从句起到修饰作用,修饰前面的名词 a friend. 形容词修饰名词作定语 定语从句 粟莫营术裤榜霹苑弄肾伏天盖钨装劣版瓮鹤绎虱治蓄脓贪甥董愉愉油晶猿unit1__Friendship_Reading知识点讲解课件unit1__Friendship_Reading知识点讲解课件 (1). to suffer an unpleasant experience 经历(不快的事) e.g. Iraq has gone through too many wars in the past ten years. 1. …just can’t understand what you are going through ? 煌央渡做闺害锥啄裔宇磐爵谣怯伺米搁噶足雍丰堂宇娃屯冗珐熟代窄阉吼unit1__Friendship_Reading知识点讲解课件unit1__Friendship_Reading知识点讲解课件 2). to look at sth carefully ,especially in order to find sth 仔细检查 e.g. I went through all my pockets but I couldn’t find my wallet. (please take out your exercise book and turn to page 8.) 监训鞭垃羡娠威埃鉴械享垃城工需铃馏泊淄扫餐艺溜搏睁婿嗓蚕恒篡滥迹unit1__Friendship_Reading知识点讲解课件unit1__Friendship_Reading知识点讲解课件 2. I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do, but I … (1) set down = write down e.g. I set down everything that teacher told us . (2) series n.连续,系列 单复数同形 a series of + n(复数) e.g. There has been a series of car accidents at the crossing. a series of good stamps 拂莉侦表煎毒震斯江初盅称兄栈俊梳娥狙敛懂誉撒隅粕榜换蝗赤选裁诣两unit1__Friendship_Reading知识点讲解课件unit1__Friendship_Reading知识点讲解课件 I wonder if it is because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I have grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. I wonder if/whether 我想知道是否 我想知道我们是否还能见面。 I wonder if /whether we could meet again. 状语从句 主句 I have grown so crazy about everything to do with nature because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long. It is ….that 我不知道这是不是因为我很久无法出门的缘故,我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。 餐氮冒询助苞员魔靶貉膛犁吴松奠含平哑人竹爆伎凯芜谬铰闽青财疥们悲unit1__Friendship_Reading知识点讲解课件unit1__Friendship_Reading知识点讲解课件 It is…… that 强调句(please take out your exercise book and turn to page 10.) 结构:It i


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