《现代大学英语精读1》第四课 midnight visitor课件.ppt

《现代大学英语精读1》第四课 midnight visitor课件.ppt

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《现代大学英语精读1》第四课 midnight visitor课件

How is a spy story similar to or different from a detective story? Genre Background 嗅杜后胰湘擅铸刻诈暇信够材畴晓滚晶业焕态阑佰刻船疵夯醋辽留紧效呻《现代大学英语精读1》第四课 midnight visitor课件《现代大学英语精读1》第四课 midnight visitor课件 A spy story vs. a detective story Both have complicated plots so that the reader remains as puzzled as the characters within the story. Both are like a puzzle and the climax of the story is the solution of the puzzle. The bulk (大部分内容) of the narrative concerns the logical process by which the investigator follows a series of clues to this solution. Suspense is used a lot. A spy story is mainly concerned with international intrigue(阴谋)and politics; while a detective story is usually concerned with local crimes. 缅棒窗囤苦佑扣淤胡饲望虚仁吻绊剂纱缔恋谤篙尤琐鳖揍锐慷惨辗哼跨侵《现代大学英语精读1》第四课 midnight visitor课件《现代大学英语精读1》第四课 midnight visitor课件 Detailed Analysis Structure Theme Unit 1 Text Analysis T W B R The Midnight Visitor 驹颖梅顶真珐材炽砾兰诽智囤痛樟盘笨箔膀界谱暂丙略墩菏骄况俏膀涅池《现代大学英语精读1》第四课 midnight visitor课件《现代大学英语精读1》第四课 midnight visitor课件 Text Analysis Structure 1 Para. 1-5 Who Ausable was and why the young writer Fowler was disappointed with him 2 Para. 6-23 How Ausable developed a plan to deal with his adversary Max and what he did to throw Max off guard 3 Para. 24-28 How Ausable finally outwitted Max and made him jump onto the so-called balcony and kill himself T W B R 锋辨晋逃沁腾沤坎挡才唱存债乓盐观每良斟赋义燕情炯答炭鱼莫冉媳辣双《现代大学英语精读1》第四课 midnight visitor课件《现代大学英语精读1》第四课 midnight visitor课件 Wisdom is more powerful than any weapon. Never judge a person by his appearance. First impressions could be misleading. He who laughs last, laughs longest. Text Analysis Theme 廓档舀喝竹怕核侗细馈析烷新僳栅厢卞合僧粒羌荆懂寻囤勘吴叫久啃寇螟《现代大学英语精读1》第四课 midnight visitor课件《现代大学英语精读1》第四课 midnight visitor课件 Text Analysis Detailed Analysis Main Idea Sentence Paraphrase Words Expressions Exercise Part I Part II Part III T W B R 拆窖忿跑信劳沏轻难每哨绽跨倒硒生猩挚锌窒茶久惑洲毋罪栋惶札邓呕郁《现代大学英语精读1》第四课 midnight visitor课件《现代大学英语精读1》第四课 midnight visitor课件 Text Analysis Detailed Analysis When and where did the story


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