第七讲 船舶碰撞.ppt

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第七讲 船舶碰撞

Chapter 7 Collision of Ships ; 1. Concept ; Article 165 of Chinese Maritime Law provides, “Collision of ships means an accident arising from the touching of ships at sea or in other navigable waters adjacent thereto. Ships referred to in the preceding paragraph shall include those non- military or public service ships or craft that collide with the ships mentioned in Article 3 of this Code.” 《海商法》第165条,船舶碰撞,是指船舶在海上或者与海相通的可航水域发生接触造成损害的事故。前款所称船舶,包括与本法第三条所指船舶碰撞的任何其他非用于军事的或者政府公务的船艇。 ; Article 170 Where a ship has caused damage to another ship and persons, goods or other property on board that ship, either by the execution or non-execution of a manoeuvre or by the non-observance of navigation regulations, even if no collision has actually occurred, the provisions of this Chapter shall apply. 《海商法》第170条,船舶因操纵不当或者不遵守航行规章,虽然实际上没有同其他船舶发生碰撞,但是使其他船舶以及船上的人员、货物或者其他财产遭受损失的,适用本章的规定。 ; 最高人民法院《关于审理船舶碰撞和触碰案件财产损害赔偿的规定》,“船舶碰撞在海上或者与海相通的可航水域,两艘或者两艘以上的船舶之间发生接触或者没有直接接触,造成财产损害的事故。” Constitutive requirements: (1)a collision must occurs between vessels and ex parte must be sea-going vessels (2)a collision must be arising from the touching of ships at sea or in other navigable waters adjacent thereto (3)a collision must have harmful consequences (4)indirect collision must be caused by negligence ; 2. Three sorts of collision of ships ; 2.2 No-fault of crew collision 2.2.1 collision due to vis major 2.2.2 collision due to contingency (or: fortuitous accident; misadventure) 2.2.3 collision due to unclear cause 2.3 Fault of pilot collision ;[案情简介] 下列碰撞事故皆与船员过失无关,那么究竟因何所致呢? 设若1 A船为避台风而停泊于港内,并加固缆绳及抛锚以做好一切防御准备,然台风来势太猛,锚链、缆绳均被吹断而走锚(即被吹走),后与停泊之B船碰撞。 设若2 甲船为了避免与乙船相碰而立即倒车,但由于活塞突然失灵而使倒车未能成功,结果与乙船相撞。后经查明,甲船船员已恪尽职责,即对活塞已进行过合理的检查和维修,但仍未发现任何缺陷。 设若3 在一个风平浪静、能见度极好的白日里,两船竟莫名其妙地相撞后沉没,船员全部遇难,究系何方之责任亦无从查清。 ;[法律规定] 1. Article 167 Neither of the parties shall be liable to the ot


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