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北京石油化工学院 12级复习题 C程序设计编程题 1.输入2个整数,求两数的平方和并输出。 #include stdio.h void main() { intt a ,b,s; printf(please input a,b:\n); scanf(%d%d”,a,b); s=a*a+b*b; printf(the result is %d\n,s); } 2. 输入一个圆半径(r),计算并输出圆的面积和周长#include stdio.h #define PI 3.14 void main() { float r ,s , l; printf(please input r:\n); scanf(%f”,r); if (r=0) {s=pi*r*r; l=2*i*r ; printf(the area is %f\n,s); printf(the circumference is %f\n,l);} else printf(input error!\n); } 3、函数y=f(x)可表示为: 2x+1 (x0) y= 0 (x=0) 2x-1 (x0) 编程实现输入一个x值,输出y值。 main() { int x,y; scanf(“%d”,x); if(x0) y=2*x+1; else if(x0) y=2*x-1; else y=0; printf(“%d”,y);} 4、编写一个程序,从4个整数中找出最小的数,并显示此数。 #include stdio.h void main( ) {int a,b,c,d,t; scanf (“%d,%d,%d,%d ”,a,b,c,d); if (ab) {t=a; a=b; b=t;} if (ac) {t=a; a=c; c=t;} if (ad) {t=a; a=d; d=t;} printf (“min = %d \n”,a); } 5.有一函数当x0时y=1,当x0时,y=3,当x=0时y=5,编程,从键盘输入一个x值,输出y值。 #include stdio.h void main() {int x,y; scanf(%d,x); if (x0) y=1; else if(x==0) y=5; else y=3; printf(x=%d,y=%d\n,x,y);} 6.从键盘输入两个数,求出其最大值(要求使用函数完成求最大值,并在主函数中调用该函数) #include stdio.h float max(float x,float y); void main() { float a,b,m; scanf(%f,%f,a,b); m=max(a,b); printf(Max is %f\n,m); } float max(float x,float y) { float temp; if (xy) {temp=x; x=y; y=temp; } return(x); } 7、#include stdio.h void main() { int yourAge, hisAge; printf(Please enter your age:); scanf(%d, yourAge); /*输入你的年龄yourAge*/ printf(Please enter your friends age:); scanf(%d, hisAge); /*输入你朋友的年龄hisAge*/ if (yourAge = hisAge)  { printf(You are older! Your age is = %d\n, yourAge);  } if (hisAge yourAge)  { printf(Your friend is older! HisAge age is = %d\n, hisAge);  }} right”,否则显示“error” #include “stdio.h” void main( ) {int a,b,c; printf(“please input a and b\n”); scanf (%d,%d”,a,b); printf(“please input the answer for a+b\n”); scanf (%d”



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