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;目录;1、小序;              重塑自我 无论以怎样的方式,我们要学会认清自我,并带着这种抉择去生活。                       ----爱莲诺·罗斯福;  为了完成我们共同的目标,大家都忙碌着,每天都在充实中度过,仔细想想这 段时间的工作内容还是很丰富的,不断学习、思考着一些自己原本不曾用心想过的 事情,在纷繁、忙碌、紧致的日子中空间不断极速转换,感觉生活充实且有意义。 让我们一起设想一下,倘若工作没有了激情,那么偶尔窥镜自顾时,所看到的会是 什么呢?我想一定是一双恍惚迷离的眼。   在此向大家道一声:辛苦了!;2、人生价值观探讨;皆然不同的两种生活状态, 看看,我们能从中体会到什么?;Ive been thinking for a long time about what we do in our life... ;We diligently study each kind of curriculum knowledge in the school ;We spend a great part of our childhood studying,;Finally we obtained a Zhang Wen to depend on explained we studied ;We participated have been very many time interview, pass the test toobtain a work ;The daily mechanical type repetition is doing the identical work ;Time keeps on passing, and...;and here comes a baby into our home.;Gosh! Because the working ability cannot follow the corporate growth, one day company to you said no longer needed you ;you feel destroyed,;You realise you are cut off from everything.;You realise you’ve been living in the fog;You want to eliminate all enemies, actually did not know who you the enemy is ;              自我标签 每个人都在标注自己的价值……人的伟大与渺小是由他自己的意愿所决定的。                       ----J·C·F·席勒;Does not want to live like this? Then, according to the abovejudgement, lets us come a redesign own life! ;The arrangement, manages my time ;Ill try to open my heart to my love.;No, karaoke Ill never do, but I believe Ill sing more.;and achieve together common objectives;This extremely has the significance, and is worth as soon as trying ;I do not know whether it is good for everybody, but I’m sure that at least I will have had a wonderful time… which by the way is what counts more. DON’T YOU THINK SO?;故事好像在说我们自己,或多或少会找到自己的影子, 你觉得呢?希望我们相互勉励,完善自己! ;3、自我管理;              完善自我 在这个世界上,你唯一能够改变的就是你自己---这个世界上最重要的事。                       ----切尔;  随着社会的飞速发展,外部环境发生了巨大的变化,追求成功成为每个人的心愿,成功总是有办法的,对于成功者,具有一些特定的特质和习惯,如敢做梦,也能让梦成真;成功者的关键在于不断地为自己设定目标,依计划完成目标并保持赢的心态,善于自我管理,个人自我管理的能力是决定平庸与成功的关键。 ;应该如何自我管理?;         


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