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19 8 Vol. 19 No . 8 2011 8 Optics and Precision Engineering Aug. 2011 1004-924X( 2011) 08- 1771-08 1, 2* 2 2 1, 2 2 贺学锋 , 杜志刚 , 赵兴强 , 温志渝 , 印显方 ( 1. 重庆大学 光电技术及系统教育部重点实验室, 重庆400044; 2. 重庆大学 系统研究中心, 重庆400044) : , , , 3 , , , 3 , 10% 20% , :压电振动能采集器; 悬臂梁; 建模 :T N384 :A doi: 10. 3788/ OPE. 1771 Modeling and experimental verification for cantilevered piezoelectric vibration energy harvester 1, 2* 2 2 1, 2 2 HE Xue-feng , DU Zh-i gang , ZHAO Xing-qiang , WEN Zh-i yu , YIN Xian-fang (1. K ey Laboratory of Op toelectronic Technology and Systems of the Education M inistry of China, Chongqing niversity , Chongqing 400044, China; 2. M icrosystem Research Center, Chongqing niversity , Chongqing 400044, China) * Corresp onding author, E-mail: hexuef eng@cqu. edu.cn Abstract: T o optimize cantilevered piezoelectric vibration energy harvesters according to the characters of the environmental vibration and the electrical loads, a differential equation of motion and the bound- ary conditions for a cantilevered piezoelectric vibration energy harvester w ere established in considera- tion of the position difference between the center of proof mass and the free end of cantilever. A un-i form coupled circuit equation applicable to the harvesters w ith one piezoelectric layer, tw o series con- nected piezoelectric layers and tw o parallel connected piezoelectric layers w as developed by introducing several constants, and the expressions of the natural frequencies and corresponding mode shapes w ere



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