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2 0 0 9 4 40 4 * 1 2 3 4 5 杨启耀 周孔亢 李敬东 徐 兴 袁春元 ( 1 , 230601; 2 , 212013; 3 , 201805; 4 , 212013; 5 , 212003) , RBF ,, , : + : U46333 42 : A Neural Network Optimization on Matching of Air Suspension System 1 2 3 4 5 Yang Qiyao Zhou ongkang Li Jingdong Xu Xing Yuan Chunyuan ( 1Colleg e of M echa nical a nd Elec trical E ng ineer ing , A nh u i Un iv er sity of A r chitec tur e, H ef e i 230601, China 2S ch ool of A utom obile a nd T r af f ic E ng ineer ing , Jia ngsu Un iv er sity , Zhe n iang 212013, China 3 Tech . Ce nter , S h ang ha i Volksw ag en A utom ot iv e Co . , L td . , S h ang h ai 201805, China 4Colleg e of Elec tr on ic and I nf or m at ion E ng inee ring , J ia ng su Un iv er sity , Zh en ia ng 212013, China 5M ech an ic al E ng ineer ing Colleg e, J ia ng su Un iv er sity of S cience a nd Tech nology , Zhe n iang 212003, Ch ina) Abstract A doublemass model of air suspension was established. The method based on RBF network for matching optimization of air suspension systems damping and air spring was proposed. When the best match was chose, the vehicle body acceleration and wheels dynamic load were selected for minimum optimization objectives and the suspension dynamic travel was the constraint condition. Simulation results show that thebus ride comfort and road holding ability were improved. The simulation results agree with the testing data of the test bench. Key words Vehicle, Air suspension, Damping, Matching, Neural network ,


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