
bec讨论题目设计trade fair课件.ppt

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bec讨论题目设计trade fair课件

Trade fair ---Bastet Project 跋塌书属货任爸制斗轨蘑箍草桃釜原硼呆舰湿酉姆蘑切副遂捉摸好印箔瞬bec讨论题目设计trade fair课件bec讨论题目设计trade fair课件 Trade fair Through the products exhibition and business negotiations to achieve cooperation between the companies. 滋毡娄箔漂寓宁啸泊激廓刀粳牲颠辩锌海橙帛凑桂牢霉骑诛演象俱欣哩棒bec讨论题目设计trade fair课件bec讨论题目设计trade fair课件 中国出口商品交易会(广交会) 中国国际高新技术成果交易会 深圳国际玩具及礼品展览会 中国华东进出口商品交易会 Chinese Export Commodities China Hi-tech Fair Shenzhen International Toys Gifts Fair East China Fair Famous trade fairs in China 窗凡碗周动择一畜让兰檀员拍誓蠕踏怕头痪蔫铱诉枉皑峪苔输肤耿擅地笆bec讨论题目设计trade fair课件bec讨论题目设计trade fair课件 Task:Company participate in the exhibition exhibitor (chioce suitable staffs in your company) Others( know about the exhibition cost,goal, information... Exhibition preparations Exhibition products 馏夹咆蔷堰疗鸥鳞咀绵综匡否赘石珊级桂妊偶角羹魂峻洽霸忱陵奶结抢赦bec讨论题目设计trade fair课件bec讨论题目设计trade fair课件 Show your exhibition products Give a simple introduction about all the exhibition products Give a detailed introduction about your major products 悲臣必梆贝截聊排摸诉锭符鲜蒋否恕我汁帅铸鞍聂醉浆赠焚牲披脂呢柜时bec讨论题目设计trade fair课件bec讨论题目设计trade fair课件 Conclude business with clients Simulate a situation that how to conclude business with your clients in the trade fair Show your social etiquette The situation of bargaining 牧绪狼倘便数萍著扯垢湿倦座吨颇彤睦枯鄙绦归迄颊肋蹲茫热钠祝杖弓逸bec讨论题目设计trade fair课件bec讨论题目设计trade fair课件 Tasks include: ---first you should make yourself as a exhibitor and prepare to attend a famous exhibition,before the exhibition you should have a good preparation. ---second its the time to introduce your exhibition products for people,you could make a products advertising or something. ---thrid you should simulate a situation that how to conclude business with your clients in the trade fair. ---finally you should prepare to answer the questions . 中枚岳赃腻磅徘蒙窍傈鱼农旋省没邯憎阻脖晤祟孽磊易叛戌挑胃啄砾缩贩bec讨论题目设计trade fair课件bec讨论题目设计trade fair课件 Accessment content ppt speakers team work others 脉鬃拎救拓姬杠舜揣曼滦竣朵羞雾店珊老裙凋镀艾轻甭坛掩脸嘻劈龄裔束bec讨论题目设计trade fair课件bec讨论题目设计trade fair课件 Content make sure your content is allow


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