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有关人与自然的外国诗 篇一:人与自然关系在罗伯特·弗洛斯特诗歌中的体现 人与自然关系在罗伯特·弗洛斯特诗歌中的体现 [Abstract]The harmonious and inconsistent relationships between the nature and human beings are presented in Robert Frost’s poems. By analyzing “Fire and Ice”, “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening?and 揇ust of Snow? it evolves a harmonious one, while in 揘othing Gold Can Stay? 揝tars?and 揇esign? it gets an inconsistent one. At last, this paper explains that these two contrary relationships depend separately on the different progresses of the poet?s life. [Key words]Robert Frost,Nature,human beings,relationships It is true that poetry is as universal and ancient as language. However, as to the question what is poetry, everyone has his own tastes. According to the varied definitions, it is well acceptable that 損oetry is the art of representing human experiences, in so far as they are of lasting or universal interest, in metrical language, usually with chief reference to the emotions and by means of imagination.\[1\]11 Though poetry takes the materials of human experiences from every corner, it rejects those which are purely personal or temporary and works with those elements which are of universal significance, that is to say, poets should write about the general yet eternal subjects of human life which can attract and arouse human beings’ attention and emotion almost anytime and anywhere. Since from the past to the present, human beings have no other 篇二:外国诗四首 外国诗四首 教者:胡学文 《致大海》 教学目标 1、 作者如何借大海的形象表达自由的精神。 这首诗以大海的自由精神为象征,表达了诗人与大海相通的自由精神。诗人借大海 自由奔放的壮美形象,生发联想,尽情抒怀,表达了渴求自由的愿望。 2、 体会诗歌强烈浓厚的抒情气氛。 诗人对大海以“你”相称,是诗人对大海的倾诉,诗人在诗中以抒情人公的身份出现,直接对大海表达自己的激情,并蕴含深沉的苦闷,使全诗具有哀歌式的忧郁美。 重点难点 1、 分析诗人的抒情思路是教学的重点。 2、 人与自然相逢、同一并重构世界的瞬间。 诗人与大海相逢,他胸中涌动着海一样的澎湃。诗人把岛、岩石想象成凝固的浪峰,已是诗人改变的自然,接着,诗人由观照海,到山海反观,最后与海同一了。这一瞬间,海是诗人向远方的延伸,是海向俄罗斯土地的延伸迪就是作者创作这首诗的思维流程,也是解读这首诗的一个关键。 教学过程 课前准备: 搜集普希金、拿破仑、拜伦的有关资料。 一、 作者介绍 普希金(1799—1837),俄罗斯十九世纪伟大的民族诗人,俄罗斯近代文学的奠基人和俄罗斯文学语言的创造者。高尔基称赞他是“俄国文学的始祖”,是“伟大的俄国人民诗人”。他出身贵族家庭。少年早慧,八岁就开始用法文写


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