六水氯化钙(Hexahydrate calcium chloride).doc

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六水氯化钙(Hexahydrate calcium chloride)

六水氯化钙(Hexahydrate calcium chloride) Hexahydrate calcium chloride; Calcium chloride hexahydrate, physical properties, chemical properties, molecular weight, molecular formula, melting point, boiling point, CAS number, structured, English name, preparation methods, purposes, toxicity, MSDS chemical dictionary content in English for this entry Hexahydrate calcium chloride; Calcium chloride hexahydrate Formula: CaCl2 · 6H2O CAS no. : Nature: colorless tripartite crystal. General merchandise is white or grayish white crystals. The density of 1.71 g/cm3. The melting temperature of 29.92 ℃. Soluble in water, soluble in alcohol. Lose four crystallization water when heated to 30%, and continue to lose all when heated to 200 ℃ water of crystallization into anhydride. The deliquescence is strong. By ammonia alkali distillation in the waste liquid of soda production of legal system (including 100 g/L calcium chloride, sodium chloride, 43 ~ 50 g/L, etc.), the purification, clarified, then through evaporation, when calcium chloride content is about 40%, almost all solution of sodium chloride precipitation, separating sodium chloride, the filtrate after clarification, into the evaporator to concentrate and make the solution concentration and density of 1.37 g/cm3, cooled to room temperature precipitation crystallization, made by centrifugal separation. Used as a refrigerant for refrigerating carrier, antifreeze liquid and cotton fabric; It is also used for additives in concrete and building mortar, which can accelerate the hardening of concrete and increase the cold tolerance of building mortar. Tip: most entries have multiple interpretations of different angles. Please check out the more relevant content below. Formula: Please refer to the more relevant content section below More related content: 1) calcium chloride (6 water); Calcium chloride, six water; Hexahydrate calcium chloride; Calcium chloride, hexahydrate; calcium Dichloride hexahydrate; Calcium chloride, hexahydrate;



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