专升本数学大纲(A mathematical outline for the study).doc

专升本数学大纲(A mathematical outline for the study).doc

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专升本数学大纲(A mathematical outline for the study)

专升本数学大纲(A mathematical outline for the study) Hunan university of technology special shengben selection test in 2012 The syllabus of higher mathematics (full score of 150, time limit of 120 minutes) A, functions, Assessment of knowledge 1. Concept of function: definition of function; The representation of a function; Piecewise function 2. Simple properties of functions: boundedness; Monotonicity; Parity; periodic 3. Inverse function: the definition of inverse function; The graph of the inverse function 4. Basic elementary function and its graph: power function exponential function trigonometric function inverse trigonometric function The compound function Elementary function The inspection requirements 1. Understand the concept of functions (domain, corresponding laws). Understand the meaning of the function notation and apply it. Master the domain, expression and function value of the function. We will establish a functional relation between simple and practical problems. 2. Understand the simple properties of functions, and grasp the boundary and parity of functions. 3. Knowledge of basic elementary functions and their graphics. 4. Understand the concept of complex functions. Master a compound method that decomposes a complex function into a basic elementary function or a simple function. Two, the limit and the continuous (1) limit Assessment of knowledge 1. Limit of sequence: the definition of sequence limit; The properties of the limit; The fourth rule of the limit 2. Limits of functions: definition of function limits; The idea of the left limit and the right limit; The sufficient and necessary condition of the function limit exists when the independent variable tends to the finite value; The four operational rules of the limit of a function are two important limits 3. Infinitesimal and infinite quantities: infinite quantity and infinite number of definitions; The relationship between infinitesimal and infinite; The nature of infinitesimal quantities The inspect



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