兰大《房地产法学》13春在线作业2(Landa real estate law 13 spring online homework 2).doc

兰大《房地产法学》13春在线作业2(Landa real estate law 13 spring online homework 2).doc

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兰大《房地产法学》13春在线作业2(Landa real estate law 13 spring online homework 2)

兰大《房地产法学》13春在线作业2(Landa real estate law 13 spring online homework 2) Spring 13, autumn, the real estate law, 13 spring online homework 2 Total score: 100 test time: -- Single topic selection Multiple choice True or false (a total of 15 questions, 60 points.) 1. A unit illegally transferred the land and obtained rmb50 million from the illegal income, the maximum penalty is RMB 10,000 yuan. 1000 A. 1500 B. 2500 C. 5000 D. Full marks: 4 points 2. The first selection of the property management company before the establishment of the owners committee was made by (). A. Construction unit B. owners meeting C. owners committee D. property administrative department Full marks: 4 points In the following land, it is not advisable to allocate the supply (). A. Land for the construction of military units B. The construction land of the office building for business administration C. The construction land of the listed companys security co D. Construction site for expansion of the science and technology museum Full marks: 4 points 4. Not in accordance with the approved purpose of state-owned land use, land administrative departments of the peoples government at or above the county level shall not upload homework answer, first for you review, if you need to answer the specific look at my registered name for shall be ordered to return land and impose a fine, fines for illegal occupation of land more than 10 yuan per square meter, (below). 100 A. B. 50 30 C. D. 20 Full marks: 4 points Property is not characterized by (). A. immobility B. value sex C. individual D. transient Full marks: 4 points 6. The peoples governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with the requirements, have a unified ownership registration of real estate within the administrative region within a certain period of time as () A. the total registration B. transfer registration C. Change of registration D. other registration Full marks: 4 points The right to use state-owned land is sold to the mar


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