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《中国的稀土状况与政策》 2012 6 年 月 中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室 Situation andPolicies of Chinas RareEarthIndustry Information Office ofthe State Council The Peoples Republic ofChina June 2012, Beijing 目录 Contents 前言 Preface 一、稀土现状 I.Current Situation of Chinas RareEarth Industry 二、发展原则和目标 II. Principles andTargets ofDevelopment 三、有效保护和合理利用资源 III. Effectively Protecting andRationally Utilizing RareEarth Resources 四、促进稀土利用与环境协调发展 IV.Better Coordination ofRareEarth Utilization with Environmental Protection 五、推进技术进步和产业升级 V.Promoting TechnologicalAdvancement andIndustrial Upgrading 六、促进公平贸易和国际合作 VI.Promoting FairTradeandInternational Cooperation 【译之灵翻译培训】整理 前言 Preface Preface PPrreeffaaccee 稀土是不可再生的重要自然资源,在经济社会发展中的用途日益广泛。 Rare earths are an important, non-renewable natural resource with increasingly wider applications in economic andsocial development. 中国是稀土资源较为丰富的国家之一。20 世纪50 年代以来,中国稀土行业取得了很大 进步。经过多年努力,中国成为世界上最大的稀土生产、应用和出口国。 China is among the countries with relatively rich rare earth reserves. Since the 1950s, remarkable progress has been witnessed made in Chinas rare earth industry.After many years of effort, China has become the worlds largest producer, consumer and exporter of rare earth products. 稀土开发在造福人类的同时,与之相伴的资源和环境问题不断凸显。在稀土开发利用中, 资源的合理利用和环境的有效保护是世界面临的共同挑战。近年来,中国在稀土的开采、生 产、出口等环节综合采取措施,加大资源和环境保护的力度,努力促进稀土行业持续健康发 展。 While bringing benefits to mankind, the exploitation of rare earth has brought about increasingly significant problems regarding this resource and the environment. In the exploitation and utilization of rare earth, the rational utilization and effective protection of the environment pose common challenges for the world at large. In recent years, China has taken comprehensive m


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