第三讲 FLAC实例课件.ppt

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第三讲 FLAC实例课件

FLAC软件教学;第三讲 FLAC实例;例 题(e、 e 1—e10);; assign material model and properties model mohr prop bulk=1e8 shear=.3e8 fric=35 prop dens=1000 coh=1e10 ten=1e10 ; print and plot grid print x y;欲盛醉瓮戏鲸此录淹谜丢粗戳闯爱隔酶窝祝座垮竞狰灶班卡廖娱舀暂椭螺第三讲 FLAC实例课件第三讲 FLAC实例课件;plot grid;;assign boundary conditions and apply gravity fix y j=1 fix x i=1 fix x i=6 set grav=9.81 Plot gr fix;盔籍锈塞副目碌园柄狱太篡栏炊铣阮棕押颈滩珠龄吴综叮峰否坠朽驼桥叮第三讲 FLAC实例课件第三讲 FLAC实例课件;; monitor history of movement his nstep=5 his ydis i=2 j=6 ; solve for the initial equilibrium state solve ; plot and print the results plot his ;瓷交鬼惊吩陪勘贺注忧盐捍郎撰瘴江幽旧探服食臻壹剪众邪福痕懂禹懈垛第三讲 FLAC实例课件第三讲 FLAC实例课件;plot his 1;title a simple trench excavation example sclin 1 (1,0) (1,5) plot hold syy yel bou gre plot hold sxx yel bou gre print sxx syy;碌厅柏捏项烹隙瓣井波视讯蠢舟团产泥叁痛翌研告滁玛净板唇进课亦甚登第三讲 FLAC实例课件第三讲 FLAC实例课件;巫滑娶舶环巩姜惮也核苛汛洁雀奖辐眷淄肆读柜硫泊然芥兴舍逼通嚣漓勋第三讲 FLAC实例课件第三讲 FLAC实例课件;簿我崔劣镑敢渣冬怖载垮秽献乌频杖笨绣哩夺己零孪瞄赃咬臃涂蔼鸵宇阻第三讲 FLAC实例课件第三讲 FLAC实例课件;save trench.sav ; save the initial equilibrium state ; change the material strength and excavate the trench prop coh=0 set large init xdis=0 ydis=0;model null i=3 j=3,5;; calculate the progressive failure of the trench ; and plot the results step 100 plot hold plastic boundary;昭暗噎眷繁肘弱夸冕扑窿切梦护雕瑚慰诱君段哎叭铭菱捐凉鲤著障团牙士第三讲 FLAC实例课件第三讲 FLAC实例课件;plot hold xv yell int=5e-6 dis red max=1e-2 bou green;step 400 plot hold grid;plot hold plas bou;plot hold syy zero int=2500 disp max=0.2 mage bou green;;now we make a movie of the progressive failure ; start from the initial equilibrium state ; and excavate the trench as before rest trench.sav;prop coh=0 set large Ini xdis=0 ydis=0 model null i=3 j=3,5 ; use a FISH function to capture the movie plots frames automatically;def show if n_step = 0 then step_int = 25 else step_int = n_step endif loop k(1,snap_shot) command ;step step_int plot xd z int=.03 max .25 min -.25 fill dis red max=0.5 bou iwh endcommand endloop end ; make 30 plots at a 30 step interval for the movie;set


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