纳滤膜去除饮用水中微量有机物的研究进展 - 中国水网.pdf

纳滤膜去除饮用水中微量有机物的研究进展 - 中国水网.pdf

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纳滤膜去除饮用水中微量有机物的研究进展 - 中国水网

31 7 现代化工 July 2011 2011 7 Modern Chem ical Industry 21 1, 2 1, 2 2 毕 飞 , 陈欢林 , 高从堦 ( 1. 浙江大学化学工程与生物工程学系, 浙江杭州310027; 2. 膜与水处理技术教育部工程研究中心, 浙江杭州310027) : , ( D Ps)( FP)( EDCs) ( POPs)( PCPPs)( AOC)(MC) 6, , , : ; ; ; : TQ028; TQ085+ . 4 : A : 0253- 4320( 2011) 07- 0021- 06 Advances on trace organics removal from drinking-water by nanofiltration 1, 2 1, 2 2 BI F ei , CH EN H uan-lin , GA O C ong-j ie ( 1. Department of Chem ical and iologicalEngineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China; 2. M embrane andW ater TreatmentTechnology, M inistry of Education Engineering Research Center,H angzhou 310027, China) Abstract: In this paper, the removal of almost all mi portant trace organics in drinking-w ater by nanofiltration all over thew orld in recent years has been review ed. According to their mi portance and spread in water body, the trace organicsw ere divided into: D Ps ( disinfection by-products, FP ( formation precursors), EDCs ( environmental endocrine disrupting chem icals) , POPs ( persistentorganic pollutants), PCPPs ( pharmaceuticals and personal care products), AOC (Assmi ilable organic carbon), MC (m icrocystin), and so on. The discussions on rejection efficiency and mechanism of those trace organics by nanofiltration have been fully carried out. ased on the aforementioned analysis, the nanofiltration can be used to remove most of the harmful trace organics, and hence to mi prove the quality of drinking-w ater and ensure safe drinking water. Key w o



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