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本科生毕业论文(设计) 基于Java的俄罗斯方块的设计与实现 姓  名   号 专  业 指导教师 年月日 此设计在Microsoft Windows XP系统下以为开发语言在开发平台上进行游戏的设计与关键词: Abstract Tetris is a popular global diversification of terminal enduring game.Simple basic rules of the game is rotating, moving, automatic random output of 7 kinds of shape square game. It forms 28 kinds of shape, after rotating cube stacked together, forming complete one or more lines to eliminate score. Its level automatically rises with the score. The game is easy for young and old, has become a household name. This paper not only give the detailed analysis of the traditional Tetris which based on the basic principle and simple rules but also develop the color variable model, such as random change the background color and foreground color and so on. Further more, in this paper, the above functions are given the implementation process, the detailed description, and some source code. The paper expounds the history of the game, develops the meaning of the game and the environment of design. According to the relevant knowledge of software engineering, the author reports the demand analysis, outline design, detailed design, planning and execution of the test. This design is under Microsoft Windows XP system, based on Java development language, the MyEclipse development platforms to carry on the design and implementation of the game. Key Words: Game, Tetris, Software engineering, MyEclipse 目 录 1 引 言 1 2 系统的需求分析 2 2.1 系统需求 2 2.2 接口控制 2 3 系统的概要设计 4 3.1 软件运行和开发工具 4 3.2 系统功能设计 4 3.2.1 手工处理业务的基本流程 4 3.2.2 基本流程的功能模块 5 4 系统的详细设计与实现 8 4.1 游戏主界面显示模块 8 4.2 画布、方块显示模块 9 4.2.1 背景画布模块设计 10 4.2.2 预览方块模块设计 11 4.2.3 方块移动、旋转设计 14 4.3 控制面板模块 18 4.3.1 菜单栏模块设计 18 4.3.2 控制面板按钮设计 20 5 系统的调试运行 21 5.1 测试的意义及注意事项 21 5.2 游戏代码、算法的测试 21 5.3 游戏界面菜单选项的功能测试 22 5.4 按键事件的功能测试 24 5.5 方块堆砌与消行测试 25 5.6 测试结果分析 26 6 结 论 27 参考文献 28 致 谢 29 1 引 言 俄罗斯方块的影响已毋庸置疑, 当今世界的电脑、手机到处都有俄罗斯方块的踪迹,同时它更是每个游戏平台的必备游戏,相关的复制品不胜枚举。这个最早由莫斯科的数学家亚力克西·帕杰诺夫(Alexey Pajituov)所设计的作品,被公认为有史以来最畅销的经典游戏,至今魅力不减当年。


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