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◎生態池Ecological Pond After having aquatic plants and fish(這裡原是一個景觀池), It becomes an ecological pond for outdoor learning until now. (這裡原是一個景觀池,後 來水池中多了水生植物、魚等,就變成現在的生態池,作為戶外學習的好地 方!) There are Taiwanese betta fish, gold fish and toads in the pond. (池裡主 要有生長在台灣的鬥魚和金魚,還有蟾蜍) ,Also during the spring, they will make sound for finding a love. So, many students will gather around to listening to the sound.(每到春天都能聽到蟾蜍的求偶聲,在下課時間吸引學 生們來觀看。) 植物的種類也不少,一年四季輪流開花,有睡蓮、台灣特有的植物(浮 萍) ,大約有25種水生植物,讓我們學校更加美麗! In the pond, a large type of plants takes turns in blooming through the year. There are water lilies and local plants of Taiwan such as duckweed. We have all these about twenty-five species of aquatic plants to decorate our school. ◎畢業生留校創作 Artworks by the graduates One of Ren-ai’s traditions is the tile painting artwork left behind by our graduates.磁磚彩繪拼貼是畢業生留校的創作統。 Every year the graduates will leave their creative artwork within the school. 幾乎每一屆的畢業生都會留下該屆的集體創作藝術作品在校園中的每個角 落, 這些作品是大家的紀念與回憶 These artworks become souvenirs and memories. 由全班票選出代表該班特色的作品, These artworks present each class characteristic by voting. I 並以此祝福每位同學,祝福大家一帆風順! t is symbolic for blessing the students with great future. (一) 地點:校門口。Location: School Gate. (二) 主題是吉祥物,由指導老師引導學童探索該班的班風特質,做不同的創 作。則將此特質表現在吉祥物的身上。 With the topic being the mascot, teachers will guide the students to explore what the trait of the class is, and present it on the mascot. (二) 地點:第一棟廁所外牆。主題是傳達感情的曼陀羅,這是馬賽克磁磚拼 貼。 (ii) Location: First building’s toilet outer wall. With the topic being the Mandalas for conveying feelings, mosaic tile collage is showed. (三) 地點:第三棟廁所外牆。主題是學生所喜愛的海洋生物,他們蒐集資 料,再請同學一起創作。 (iii) Location: Third building’s toilet outer wall. With the topic being the marine creatures, they gathered information and worked together on the artwork. ◎台灣館 Taiwan Pavilion 上面是我們台灣最有名的風景名勝, What we have up there are the most


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