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2.for fear that, in case与lest这些从属连词本身带有否定意义,意为“以免,以防”,相当于so that...not...或in order that...not...;谓语动词有时也用should/might/could+动词原形。 The boy hid himself behind the tree in case/for fear that his father should see him. 男孩躲在树后以免他的父亲看到他。 Take your raincoat in case/lest it should rain. 带上雨伞,以防下雨。 Mike is so honest a worker that we all believe him.= Mike is such an honest worker that we all believe him. 迈克是一位如此诚实的工人以至于我们都信任他。 He earned so little money that he couldn’t support his family. 他挣的钱如此少以至于不能养家。 It is not surprising that such little worms eat so little grain. 这么小的虫子吃这么少的谷物并不令人感到惊讶。 2.除结果状语从句外,too...to...,enough to...,so...as to等不定式结构同样可以表示结果。 He didn’t get up early enough to catch the bus.= He got up too late to catch the bus.= He got up so late as to miss the bus. 他起得太晚了以至于没赶上公共汽车。 区别so...that和such...that的用法 名前such,形、副so,that从句跟在后;多多少少必用so,特别注意是little;“小”用such,“少”用so。 1.The police officers in our city work hard ________ the rest of us can live a safe life. 答案 in order that/so that [句意:我们市里的警方官员们努力工作是为了让我们能过上安全的生活。] 2.He had his camera ready ________ he saw something that would make a good picture. 答案 in case [句意:他准备好了照相机以防他看到什么可以成为很好照片的东西而无法拍摄下来。] 3.单句改错 ①They are so fine teachers that we all respect him.________ ②There are such many picture-story books that the boy won’t leave.________ ③The wind was so strong he could hardly move forward.________ 答案 ①so→such ②such→so ③he前加that 4.改写句子,句意不能变 ①He studied so hard as to pass the examination. =a._______________________________________________ =b._______________________________________________ ②You are too young to learn to drive. =a._______________________________________________ =b._______________________________________________ 答案 ①a.He studied so hard that he could pass the examination. b.He studied hard enough to pass the examination. ②a.You are so young that you can’t learn to drive. b.You are not old enough to learn to drive. 知识点四 条件状语从句和方式状语从句 条件状语从句: 引导条件状语从句的从属连词有: if, unless, once, so(as) long as, in ca


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