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24. tear vt. 撕裂,撕扯,撕破(tore, torn) I tore my jeans on the fence. 我的牛仔裤被篱笆刮破了。 tear at sth. 撕裂,扯开,扯破 tear oneself away from sth. 依依不舍地离开; 忍痛舍弃… She tore herself away from the book. tear sth. open 把…撕开/扯开 tear sth. down 拆毁,拆除(建筑物,墙等) tear sth. into /to pieces 把…撕碎 tear sth. in half 把…撕成两半 tear sth. up 撕毁,取消(合同,协议) 25. flee (fled, fled) 逃避 flee from sb./sth. flee to/into… He fled to London after an argument with his parents. 26. pace n.(移动的)速度,步速;一步,一步的距离 at a steady/gentle/leisurely pace 以稳定的/徐缓的/悠闲的步子 The runners have noticeably quickened their pace. 赛跑者明显加快了脚步。 keep pace with sb./sth. 与…并驾齐驱/步调一致 set the pace 确定速度/确立目标 vi. 踱步,走来走去 pace up and down 走来走去 vt. pace yourself 调整自己工作/生活节奏 He will have to learn to pace himself in this job. 27. amid (mid ,amidst) 在…过程中,在…中(尤指兴奋或恐惧的) He finished his speech amid tremendous applause. 他在雷鸣般的掌声中结束了自己的演讲。 28. 有关once的常用短语: at once 立即,马上 all at once ①突然,忽然 ②一起,同时 All at once she lost her temper. 她突然大发脾气。 I can’t do everything all at once. (just) for once / just this once 仅此一次 once again / once more 再次,再一次 once or twice 一两次 29. in return ①作为回报 in return (for sth.) Can I buy you lunch in return for your help? ②反过来,作为交换 I asked her opinion, but she just asked me a question in return. 她却反问了我一句。 Thank you! * * * 外研版 高二选修(6) Module3 1. close 1) vt./vi. 关闭,结束,停止 The door won’t close. 这门不好关。 The firm had decided to close its London branch. 2) n.结束,总结,终了(常用单数) at the close of the 17th century 在17世纪末 His life was drawing to a close. The meeting has come to a close. 会议结束了。 3) adj. 近的,紧密的, a close friend 一位亲密的朋友 We keep a close watch on the prisoners. 4) adv. 接近,靠近,紧挨着(to) She came close to him. 词语辨析: close与closely作为副词时:close指位置上的接近;closely表示抽象的“密切的,紧密的” They sat close together. They are closely rela


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