Module 3 Section Ⅳ Other Parts of the Module概要.ppt

Module 3 Section Ⅳ Other Parts of the Module概要.ppt

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Module 3 Section Ⅳ Other Parts of the Module概要

[自主归纳] ①attain ones goal/aim/ambition  ②attain a position of power [辨析比较] attain, obtain, achieve 实现目的/目标/抱负 获得权力 attain 常指经过不懈的努力获得未曾预料的结果;也可指达到某一目标 obtain 指得到、获得某物 achieve 多指成就、目标、幸福的取得 [多角度演练] 1.用attain/obtain/achieve填空 ①He has great success in the field of politics. ②Most of our students five “A” grades in their exams. ③Further information can be from head office. 2.翻译句子 ④越来越多的妇女在社会生活中获得权力。 ⑤多数学生在考试中得到满分。 achieved attained obtained More women are attaining positions of power in public life. Most of students attained full marks in their exams. 3.单项填空 ⑥Many students complain that they find it difficult to ________ the goals they have set for themselves although they have studied hard. A.attain B.contain C.obtain D.maintain 解析:选 。attain“获得,达到”;contain“包含,容纳”;obtain“得到、获得某物”;maintain“维持,保持”。句意:许多学生抱怨,尽管他们已经学习很努力了,但还是很难达到他们为自己确立的目标。 A By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune. 她由于投资精明而积蓄了一笔财产。 Snow accumulated to a depth of five feet. 积雪厚达五英尺。 考点5 accumulate v.积累,积聚;逐渐增加 教材 原句 But some Londoners had accumulated enormous wealth through trade. 但是有一些伦敦人已通过做生意积累了大量财富。 [辨析比较] accumulate, collect, gather accumulate 指长期坚持,点滴积累,逐渐地收集、堆积 collect 指有计划、有选择地收集,搜集 gather 指分散的人或物聚集在一起 [多角度演练] 1.用accumulate/collect/gather填空 ①What we shall do now is to more first-hand information. ②We have decided to strengthen market research and more information from various resources. ③Dust and dirt soon if a house is not cleaned regularly. collect gather accumulate 2.翻译句子 ④Thirty years of economic development has enabled China to accumulate a large amount of capital. ⑤He accumulated a good library. 30年的经济发展使中国积累了大量资金。 他积累了丰富的藏书。 3.单项填空 ⑥If you dont clear away the rubbish regularly, it will just ________. A.increase B.associate C.acquire D.accumulate 解析:选 。increase“增长”;associate“和……有关 系”;acquire“得到”;accumulate“积累;聚集”。句意:如果你不定期清除垃圾的话,它会越积越多。 D There were many squares


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