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Module2 Experiences 导学案现在完成时(一) 1.用法 现在完成时表示在过去某个时间做过的、发生过的事情,这种行为对目前的影响还存在,还表示到目前为止经历或没有经历的事情。 )表示迄今为止的经历,也许发生过一次,也许多次,成为一种经验。 典例:I have ever travelled to Hangzhou. :I have never ________the koala. A. seed B. sees C. saw D. seen (2)表示过去发生的动作/刚刚完成的动作对现在的影响。 I have seen the film. I don’t want to see it again. 这部电影我已经看过了,不想再看了。 :I have finished my work. :I have just _________the kitchen. A. clean B. cleaned C. cleans D. cleaning (3)表示动作从过去某个时刻开始,, 典例:I have lived in Pujiang for 3 years. 3年。 (,)2.结构 (1)肯定句:主语+have /has +过去分词+其他。I have read today’s newspaper. (2)否定句:主语+haven’ t /hasn’t +过去分词+其他。(3) 疑问句:Have /Has+主语+过去分词+其他?1) I have already finished the work. (改为否定句) I _____ finished the work _____. 2) We have been to Yang Shuo twice. (改为一般疑问句) _____ you _____ to Yang Shou twice? 3) Lingling met one of her best friends last week. (用ever 改为现在完成时) Lingling _____ever_____one of her good friends Differences现在完成时一般过去式的区别 两种时态都是和过去的事情相关,但是现在完成时强调这一动作与现在的关系,如对现在产生的结果、影响等;一般现在时只表示过去的事实,不表示和现在的关系。 典例:(1)I have just been to London. I went there last month. (2)I have already finished my homework. I finished it an hour ago. 真题:-Have another piece please. -Thank you. I have _______enough. A.have C.had D.has 4.现在完成时时间状语: (1)与现在有关的过去点时间 recently, lately, already, yet, before, still (2)与现在有关的频度时间 ever, never, once, twice, three times, several times, often, seldom, always, time and time again (3)与过去有关的现在点时间 just, now, today, tonight, this week, this year, this morning, this afternoon, this evening, this month, this May, this October, this November/现在完成时呢? 判断的标准主要是看该行为是否对现在有影响,也就是该句所强调的是什么。 典例:-Where have you put my book? -I put it on your desk, but I don’t know why it is not there now. :-Where have you __________ the car? -I _________ it on Renmin Road. A. park B. parks C. parked D. parking 一、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. I____already ___(see)the film.I ___(see) it last week. 2. ___he____(finish)


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