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6)?recommend + that-clause“建议……”(从句中用should + 动词原形,should可省去)。 He recommended that we (should) read the novel. (= He recommended us to read the novel.) 他建议我们读一读那部小说。 【点拨】 recommendation n.推荐;介绍信 【即景活用】 The learned teacher recommended that he ______ until after he had learnt singing.? A.? will not take up dancing?? ?? B. had not taken up dancing?? ???????? C. not take up dancing? ??????? D. not took up dancing 【答案解析】C? 本题考查对虚拟语气的特殊词的用法的掌握。recommend后跟虚拟语气,省略should,后面直接跟动词原形,从四个选项中便知答案为C。题意为:“学识丰富的学者建议他学了唱歌,再学跳舞。” 6. in addition to ,except ,except for ,apart from 四者的区别 1)in addition to = besides指内部互斥,即前后名词可以合为一个整体。“除……以外(还包括)”、“加之”。 The other students also went there besides/in addition to Tom. 其中的the other students和Tom可以合为the students,并且“两部分都去了”。 besides意为“除……以外(还包括)”。例如: Besides Jane, we also went there. 除了简外,我们也去了那里。 (我们去了也包括简) 2)except指同类排除,即前后名词属于同一属性。 意为“除……以外(不包括)”。 如:All the students went there except Tom. 其中students和Tom为同一属性。且意思翻译为“所有学生都去了但不包括Tom。 3)except for指整体中的细节修正,即前后名词为整体/局部的关系。 如:The article is well written except for some spelling mistakes. 其中的the article和some spelling mistakes之间就是整体和局部的关系。 4)apart from = in addition to/besides + except (for) 也就是说apart from兼有上述三种用法。 (1)相当于besides.意为“除……以外(还包括)”。 Apart from my mother tongue, I speak several foreign languages as well. 除了母语外,我还会讲好几种外语。 (2)相当于except.意为“除……以外(不包括)”。 I like all the subjects apart from English. 除了英语外,我喜欢所有学科。 (1)作及物动词,即后面直接跟宾语。其前为带来好处的人或物,其后为获益者,即A benefits B。且看如下例句: These people include good government officials who try to make policies that benefit the poorer class of society. (这些人中包括一些好的政府官员。他们努力制定造福社会中贫穷阶层的政策。) 7.Benefit (2)benefit经常与from搭配,表示“从中获益”。即,A benefits B的对应结构就是B benefits from A。请看例句: If you need to get rid of something, think about who might benefit from it. 如果你需要清除某东西,考虑一下谁可能从中受益。 (1)base on的动词宾语是物,介词宾语也是物; base in的动词宾语是人,而介词宾语一般是地点, 即:base sth on


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