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M4U3 Reading get sth packed force sb to do sth be filled with give off set sail all of a sudden come across wander around sit against in the distance hold on to in terror M4U3 Project M4U2 Reading M4U2 Project M4U1 Reading 1. 对…习以为常L1 2.做有关…的研究L3 4.说服某人做某事L6 5.相信一个理念L7 6.为...支付费用L10 7.目的是,旨在L11 8.知道,意识到L15 9.虽然,即使L15 10.欺骗某人做某事L17 12.把..与..联系在一起L24 13.上... 的当L24 M4U1 Project M3U3 Reading M3U3 Project M3U2 Reading Useful expressions 1.be made up of(L2) 2.consist of(L10) 3.name after(L11) 4.aside from(L12) 5. feel puzzled about(18) 6. play a part/role in(L25) 7. take control of(L27) 8.lead to(L29) 10.raise sth./sb.(L36) 11. be served to (L38) 12.make contribution to(L40) 13. instead of(L42) 14.the former…the latter(L47) 15.come into use(L48) 16.go through(L54) M3U2 Project Useful phrases 与…不同L1 代表,象征L2 在许多情况下L3 根据,依照L6 作为整体,总体上L13 变为,转化为L15 把… 组合在一起L18 由…组成L19 让某人…做某事L25 differ from stand for in many cases according to as a whole turn into combine… together have sb do sth Page 39 想到 L1 用墨水 L2 由于…(的结果)L5 战争时代L12 太…而不能做sthL16 有用的L17 从事于,不断工作(L18) think of in ink as a result of times of battle too+ adj. to do sth be of use=be useful work on M3U1 Reading M3U1 Project M1U1 Reading M1U1 Project M1U2 Reading 9. 一团脏乱L18 10.让sb负责L22 11.做出好的决定L26 12.朝sb大声嚷嚷L29 13.熄灭(灯) L32 14.为sb辩解L37 15.生气 L40 16.值得一个解释L42 M1U2 Project M1U3 Reading 1. 渴望做sth. 2. 收到sb.的来信L2 3. 一周三次 L3 4. 锻炼(身体) L4 5. 不再 L4 6. 保持苗条L4 7. 尽力做sth. L6 8. 减肥L6 9. 为…感到害羞L6 10. 准备做sth. L7 11. 希望做sth. L8 12. 恢复L18 13. 后悔做过sth.L18 14. 坚持做sth. L21 15. 遵从sb.的建议 L23 16. 照看、照顾 L25 17. 直到…才L32 18. 很遗憾做sth. L32 19. 对sth.感到难为情L34 20. 一点也不L38 21. 节食L39 22. 嘲笑sb. L2 23. 在sb.的背后 L2 24. 以失败而告终 L7 M1U3 Project M2U1 Reading 1. step up 2. search for 3. go missing 4. due to 5. get ready for 6. go straight to 7. put on 8. wake up 9. pull back the curtains 10. have a dream 11. send sb back to… 12. show up 13. become worried 14. do research on 15. take away 16. take charge of 17. make up 18. hard evidence 19. look int


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