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3. They were able to see the monster_____ because the lake was______. A. clear; calm B. clearly; calmly C. clearly; calm D. clear; calmly 4. Mary ____ her coat with red buttons on it at the Lost and Found. A. sorted B. looked C. claimed D. proved 【本课总结】 Learned some language points about the natural world. Homework Understand and remember the sentences and phrases in this part. The unexamined life is not worth living. — Socrates 混混噩噩的生活不值得过。 — 苏格拉底 Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World Reading and Vocabulary (II) Teaching Aims 1. To let students master how to get useful information from a passage. 2. To let students master some words and phrases. 3. To let students talk something about a monster. Leading in 天池风光 The Monster of Tianchi 1. attack vt. 进攻,袭击;攻击;(疾病)侵袭,抨 击; 着手处理 n. 攻击;(疾病)侵袭,发作 The enemy were attacked at midnight. 午夜时分敌人遭到袭击。 Tigers rarely attack a person from the front. 老虎很少从正面攻击人。 We will attack the matter at once. 我们将立即着手处理这件事。 When is the zero-hour for the attack? 发动攻击的确切时间是什么时候? Class Exploring 1) attack sb. for sth. 为某事抨击某人 2)launch /make an attack on( upon) sb./ sth. 袭击某人或某物 3)be/under attack 遭到攻击 4)an attack order 进攻命令 5) a heart attack 心脏病突发 He was attacked for his mistakes. 他因错误而受到抨击。 The enemy attacked during the night. 敌人整晚都在袭击。 【拓展】 【即学即练】 He _____ words. A. was attacked at B. attacked by C. attacked D. was attacked by He claims to have discovered a new planet. 2. claim vt. 要求(应得权利);声称;断言;夺去(生命);认领 vi. 要求;声称 n. 要求;主张;断言 他声称发现了一颗新行星。 Have you claimed the insurance yet? 你索取保险金了吗? She claimed that the ring was stolen, not lost. 她声称那只戒指是被偷的,而不是遗失的。 She claims to be a good pianist. 她声称自己是位优秀的钢琴家。 claim sth. 要求得到……;认领…… claim sth. back 要回/索回某物 claim + that-clause/to do sth. 声称……;声称做某事 lay claim to (doing) sth. 声称有得到……的权利 have no claim to sth./on sb. 无权要求某物或某人 make a claim for ... 提出……的要求 【拓展】 3. calm adj. (天气、海洋)平静的;无风的


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