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Module 6 The World’s Cultural Heritage;课时分配;Period 1;Introduction-1 Speaking;Introduction-2. Reporting ;Introduction-3. Discussion ;VocabularyReading-1. Speaking ;Reading-2. Fast-reading Read the passage then fill the form..;Reading-3. Detail-reading Read the passage again, then answer the questions on Activity 1.;Reading-4. Fast-reading Read Part 2 , then finish the questions on Activity 2.;Reading-5. Discussion Read Part 2 again, then share your ideas of the following questions with partner. .;Reading Vocabulary-6.Filling the blanks ;Homework ;Period 2;Listening Vocabulary-1.Speaking ; Listening Vocabulary -2.Exercises Complete Activity 1, page 76.; Listening Vocabulary -2.Role-play Complete Activity 1, then finish the task.; Listening Vocabulary -3. Answering Listen to the tape, then answer the following questions.; Listening Vocabulary -4. Filling Listen again , then fill in the blanks.; Everyday English -1. Conversion Change the expression of the underlined sentences with the expressions of E.E.;Grammar (2) -1. Answering Decide the following statements belong to what kinds of Adverbial clauses.;;;Grammar (2) -2. Answering Finish the exercises on Activity1,page 77.;Grammar (2) -3. Exercise Finish the exercises on Activity2,page 77.;Homework ;Period 3;Grammar(1)-1 Observation What is unusual about the verbs? ;Grammar(1)-2 Selection Choose the sentences which are closer in meaning to the sentences above.;3. A professor at the Academy has proposed that a fund be established to raise money. (a) “I think we should raise to help with the work.” (b) “We have already raised money to help with the work” They have suggested that the general public be encourage to help with the problem. (a) “We want the general public to get involved.” (b) “We order the general public to get involved.”;三个建议;TIPS;虚拟语气;Grammar(1)-3 Observation ;; Grammar(1)-4 Completing Complete the second sentences . Use the subjunctive.;Grammar(1)-5.



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