Parliamentary Procedure Training课件.ppt

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Parliamentary Procedure Training课件

Parliamentary Procedure Training;Parliamentary Procedure ;Parliamentary Procedure ;President;Vice-President;Secretary;Secretary - Minutes;Treasurer;Treasurer’s Report;Reporter;Parliamentarian;Use of the Gavel;Order of Business;Order of Business (cont’d);Parliamentary Procedure;Parliamentary Procedure;Voting Voice vote: Say “aye” or “nay” Counted vote: Standing or raise right hand Division 2/3 Suspend the rules Close nominations Previous question (stop discussion) Rescind a motion (get rid of a motion after passed) Ballot vote: Write your vote on a piece of paper and place in a central location to be read by the president.;四揣莆楷撰祟蛰厘维构超配矫搜夜叁至嗜效略缆蒜晴月侍曹灶氛仪统象哄Parliamentary Procedure Training课件Parliamentary Procedure Training课件;Parliamentary Procedure;Parliamentary Procedure;Parliamentary Procedure;Parliamentary Procedure;Parliamentary Procedure;Parliamentary Procedure ;Parliamentary Procedure ;Refer to a Committee A committee must report by the next two meetings or the motion dies and the secretary deletes it. In your motion you should state: How many are on the committee (usually an odd number to avoid ties) Who appoints the committee What power to give the committee (including when to report back) I move to refer the motion to buy a new camera to a committee consisting of 3 people to be appointed by the President to report back to us at the next meeting.;Parliamentary Procedure;Point of Order Stand and say “I rise to a point of order”. The President should then say, “State your Point” The member will then state their point. For example: “the member to my right was not properly recognized before speaking”. The President will then say, “your point is well taken” or “your point is not well taken”. If the President says your point is not well taken, but you feel as if you are right, then you should appeal the decision of the chair.;Parliamentary Procedure;Question;Parliamentary Procedure;Nominating for Office Stand and be recognized I would place in nomination for t


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