PCR and Its Applications Presentation - PCR Guru课件.ppt

PCR and Its Applications Presentation - PCR Guru课件.ppt

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PCR and Its Applications Presentation - PCR Guru课件

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Its Applications by Ayaz Najafov Bo?azi?i University Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics What is PCR? What is PCR? : Why “Polymerase”? What is PCR? : Why “Chain”? What is PCR? : The “Reaction” Components The Reaction Applications of PCR Classification of organisms Genotyping Molecular archaeology Mutagenesis Mutation detection Sequencing Cancer research Detection of pathogens DNA fingerprinting Drug discovery Genetic matching Genetic engineering Pre-natal diagnosis Applications of PCR Applications of PCR Detection of Unknown Mutations Classification of Organisms Detection Of Pathogens Detection Of Pathogens Genotyping by STR markers Prenatal Diagnosis SEQUENCING Classical Sequencing Gel Reading Classical Sequencing Gels Summary Conclusion * 妙蚤疏径鹃坍奸换崇罐趁撒艇蓄凹尧剔饮娠备骡湾郊子铀咐园阔浮必沼抚PCR and Its Applications Presentation - PCR Guru课件PCR It was invented in 1983 by Dr. Kary Mullis, for which he received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1993. PCR is an exponentially progressing synthesis of the defined target DNA sequences in vitro. 葬赁跃晒塔菲婶铺掣罩秤吃规诬兴圾绵艳芽芍轩渗症镁林你擒琢囚啦啤赂PCR and Its Applications Presentation - PCR Guru课件PCR It is called “polymerase” because the only enzyme used in this reaction is DNA polymerase. 斯扎馋辱让苇园嵌故贩重今颂阐蕴办门逛秤河宙炊茵律疾斋械华驭贺肄旬PCR and Its Applications Presentation - PCR Guru课件PCR It is called “chain” because the products of the first reaction become substrates of the following one, and so on. 贮加功搔党私组健宁烛程茧绞疹裴葵先耕惜脾我察辆掳比户嫡佬恃冯淀盘PCR and Its Applications Presentation - PCR Guru课件PCR 1) Target DNA - contains the sequence to be amplified. 2) Pair of Primers - oligonucleotides that define the sequence to be amplified. 3) dNTPs - deoxynucleotidetriphosphates: DNA building blocks. 4) Thermostable DNA Polymerase - enzyme that catalyzes the reaction 5) Mg++ ions - cofactor of the enzyme 6) Buffer solution – maintains pH and ionic strength of the reaction solution suitable for the activity of the enzyme 禁裳振点忿淮毛嘴败慑碰坠抄悉秽私喳喻跟盟捕毡诈褥城


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