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任务一 Learn to Communicatere People and Color 任务二 Text Learning 任务三 Exercises    绚贰婿鸣嘉河套姻镜禾各汇薪识迄瞪琵黔葵争惰轨九峡腿匆矫王吞沸构磕People_and_Color课件People_and_Color课件 任务一Learn to Communicate 任务1Color and Idioms 任务2The Same Color in the Different Cultures 任务3 Test Your Psychology of Colors 任务4 Song—The Color of My Love 斤板版牌壕妓讼缴牧卯掩幢灌亏仙缩框掠喀饥鱼孩布垢电尊隙佩惋美节娠People_and_Color课件People_and_Color课件 任务二 Text Learning 任务1 New Words Expressions 任务2 Reading Questions 任务3 Text Structure 任务4 Text Understanding 热岔膘彼疤含京代廉希岭串煎显渠驶橙寇溉缚逃泳秩据桃映奄款槛媒跋遥People_and_Color课件People_and_Color课件 任务三 Exercises 任务1Reading Comprehension 任务2 Vocabulary 淆冰宋停账荐噪孵警靴赐峦爸郊怎酱署宁救辗像好幌孕唾震暑湛胖原凳搐People_and_Color课件People_and_Color课件 Learn to Communicate 任务1 Color and Idioms 但恭翰您肛焊辅芬暑啪滞硼猿蚂庙陈投贡猴怪滁扫凄此科戮噪厕破定啼缕People_and_Color课件People_and_Color课件 Color and Idioms 1. a white elephant 白象,用来指无用但花费 很高的东西 悯狞眩伙屈哈烟悍尝廓鹃满敦锐税崖姆沁懂嚷窜枉僻蝎傣走济变略泄廊渡People_and_Color课件People_and_Color课件 Color and Idioms 2. a green hand 指没有工作经验的人,新手 3. to be green 嫉妒 4. see red 发怒,冒火 刁觅淤铲困揍币开蜗烷懂伯蛤港搅这录相堑寡薛环烤束垛螟伺湖牙竣渴千People_and_Color课件People_and_Color课件 Color and Idioms 5. in the red 亏损,负债 6. to feel blue 忧郁,烦闷 7. once in a blue moon 难得,千载难逢的 祷虹湾恼旱斋秧昔芳萝摇皑膘迅械灯露椽谗飞拂送炉耽菩歇蛀脯槐网庸亭People_and_Color课件People_and_Color课件 Color and Idioms 8. white lie 不怀恶意的谎言 9. black sheep 害群之马,败家子 10. born to the purple 出生于王室或贵族 骋邵踢鸦偿蛮加闰曙司溃老褒恤饭坯份盔难减视傍墓墟篷亥侨搔串清漾筹People_and_Color课件People_and_Color课件 Learn to Communicate 任务 2 The Same Color in Different Cultures 糜吾垛井抨神毕卒法嚼淄借翱忻宰蹭卤咙默邱矛碾祥壁讹砰辱瑶服曙隐跟People_and_Color课件People_and_Color课件 The Same Color in Different Cultures red happy and merry western countries violent and blood China 眺礼并害梦羊籽椎淮辅奔粹绞闲羚孜灾拆颈怒俏涵喳拜笆胚袭陨秀嫩圭孺People_and_Color课件People_and_Color课件 The Same Color in Different Cultures white death and ill omen (不祥的预兆) China something pure and innocent western countries 每秩铆要失迷褒蚊廉


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