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Semantics: Types of Word Meaning;Main Types of word meaning;Main Types of word meaning;Lexical Meaning;Lexical Meaning;Lexical Meaning;Lexical Meaning;Lexical Meaning;Lexical Meaning;Lexical Meaning;reflected meaning: When we hear or read a word, we may at once think of or reflect some other things. a. Some polysemic words have some kind of “bad” reflected meaning, and they have become “taboo words”(禁忌词). Thus, people try to avoid using these words: Human language is a tool of social intercourse. (intercourse → communication) “cock, ejaculation, erection”, urinate, urine ;reflected meaning: b. Some euphemistic expressions have something to do with “reflected meaning”. We say “abdomen” instead of “belly”, “the limbs” in place of “the arms and the legs”, “Cheers!” instead of “Bottoms up”.;collocative meaning: This kind of meaning is shown by the word’s collocation with other words, esp. for the polysemic words. a piece of paper, a blade of grass, an ear of corn, a grain of sand/rice/corn; a group of people, a herd of cattle, a swarm of ants/bees, etc.; collocative meaning: “John is a man of sense. (通情达理的人)”, but not “John is a man of meaning.” Words belonging to different styles cannot collocate with each other, except to achieve humorous effect. He mounted his gee-gee. * He got on his steed. *; thematic meaning: --expressed by word order and different kinds of emphatic ways. Mrs. Smith donated the first prize. (What did Mrs. Smith donate?) The first prize was donated by Mrs. Smith. (Who donated the first prize?) (This involves the knowledge of information structure.)



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