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This lesson is all about the purpose or reason for recycling回收. Its all about ways in which we can use natural resources/materials again and again. It’s about the many products which are found on the earth some of which once used will never return. ; Question? When did we first start to recycle? ; ;Recycling has been a common practice for about 2500 years. It became much more modernized in the 19th and 20th centuries ; In the 21st century it has now become a way of life all over the world including many developing countries Did you know that: The world is full of two main products which are formed either naturally or are man made. What are they? ; Renewable可更新的such as: Glass metal(steel) paper, plastic ;and non renewable不可更新 such: Natural gas, crude oil原油coal ;Exercise: Try to give me some definitions定义 or explanations of recycling:;1)Using natural or manmade products again and again. 2)Turning old products into new ones 3)Utilizing利用 (using) mainly old products from the earth which can be used many times.; 4) Recycling is a process (method) of using old materials (waste) into new products to prevent wasting potentially潜在地useful materials. 5) Reduce the continued consumption消费 (using) of fresh or raw materials 新鲜的原料 ;Exercise: Give me reasons why we need to recycle? ;1) Increasing global population. 2) Need for modernization and technology. 3) The need to produce more food. 4) Because of deforestation森林开伐: cutting down trees for: a) Timber/wood b)making houses, c)furniture d)paper e)furniture, f)firewood/cooking. 5)Killing animals for food, skins, oil, furs. ; 6) To preserve (keep) what is left of the natural resources for generations to come: for example, Trees, plants, animals, forests, birds, fresh water, 7) So that we don’t destroy the planet or the world in which we live. 8) So that we can protect our natural habitat自然栖息地 9) So that our children can still walk in the forests and see the animals and plant life in 100


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