PSY 2012 General Psychology Chapter 8 Thinking and Intelligence课件.ppt

PSY 2012 General Psychology Chapter 8 Thinking and Intelligence课件.ppt

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PSY 2012 General Psychology Chapter 8 Thinking and Intelligence课件

PSY 2012 General Psychology Chapter 8: Thinking and Intelligence Samuel R. Mathews, Ph.D. Associate Professor The Department of Psychology The University of West Florida 癌芬檄帽运婶嚏澄展荒赌磁裳榆史培烬盘销杨学醇整瘫肚皋继儡诅怨柜泥PSY 2012 General Psychology Chapter 8 Thinking and Intelligence课件PSY 2012 General Psychology Chapter 8 Thinking and Intelligence课件 Intelligence: Early work Galton Saw intelligence as genetically based; Viewed intelligence as a single construct that encompassed all mental processes (memory, perception, language production, etc.,) Suggested that culture would be greatly improved if “…talented men were mated with talented women…generation after generation we might produce a highly bred human race, with no more tendency to revert to our meaner ancestral types than is shown by our long established breeds of race horses and fox hounds.” From: Galton (1865). Hereditary Talent and Character, Macmillans Magazine, 12, 157-166, 318-327. 喳配港塔捞弄喉吝袖赂斌爵砌摸敝驱粕君窿衷檀桂站景痉卵亢丧禽导点震PSY 2012 General Psychology Chapter 8 Thinking and Intelligence课件PSY 2012 General Psychology Chapter 8 Thinking and Intelligence课件 Intelligence: Early work Binet Saw intelligence as driven by experience Viewed intelligence as being made up of discrete constructs; he suggested that memory, perception, and other mental constructs were relatively independent and could be impacted by experience Constructed a test to assess intelligence Developed the early version of our own intelligence quotient (“IQ”) The difference between Mental Age and Chronological age Both perceived intelligence as a “general intellectual ability— the “g factor” (Spearman, 1927) reflects this point of view 佑棚了鬼西蓬室止啪身揣腔峡筷燕俊耗制斡王宗瓮皖咖唆惋箔晚蘸鲍蔡吱PSY 2012 General Psychology Chapter 8 Thinking and Intelligence课件PSY 2012 General Psychology Chapter 8 Thinking and Intelligence课件 Intelligence: Contemporary Views Psychometric view is reflected in traditional IQ tests Stanford-Binet IQ test: Yields an Intelligence Quotient (IQ) IQ = (Mental Age/Chronological


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