Shaanxi History Museum课件.ppt

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Shaanxi History Museum课件

Shaanxi History Museum ;;;;三秦大地是中华民族生息、繁衍,华夏文明诞生、发展的重要地区之一,中国历史上最为辉煌的周、秦、汉、唐等十三个王朝曾在这里建都。 被誉为“古都明珠,华夏宝库”的陕西历史博物馆则是展示陕西历史文化和中国古代文明的艺术殿堂。 Shaanxi is the imperial capital since ancient times, and more than 13 feudal dynasties built their capitals there in history including Zhou, Qin, Han, Tang. The province is rich in cultural relics. With the completion of Shaanxi History Museum, it collected over 370,000 precious relics which were unearthed in Shaanxi Province;陕西历史博物馆位于西安大雁塔的西北侧。 筹建于1983年,1991年6月20日落成开放。 它是中国第一座大型现代化国家级博物馆。 Shaanxi History Museum, which located in the northwest of the Dayan Pagoda of ancient city Xian, is the first huge state museum with modern facilities in China. Shaanxi History Museum was built from 1983, and was finished on June 20th, 1991 and open to the public. ;;;;这座馆舍为“中央殿堂、四隅崇楼”的唐风建筑群。 馆区占地 65000平方米。建筑面积55600平方米,文物库区面积8000平方米,展厅面积11000平方米。 The museum is an architecture of Tang style, Hall in center, storied buildings in corners . The museum has an area of 65,000 square meters, building place 55,600 square meters, cultural relics storerooms of 8,000 square meters, exhibition halls of 11,000 square meters. ;陕西历史博物馆是一座综合性历史类博物馆,馆藏文物达37万余件。 这些文物以发掘品为主,按材质可分为22类。 Shaanxi History Museum is a comprehensive museum, which has 375,600 cultural relics. All these relics can be divided into stoneware石器, bone ware骨器, bronze ware青铜器, pottery warrior陶俑, pottery ware陶瓷器, Tang tri-colored pottery唐三彩jade article玉器, copper mirror铜镜, brick tile砖瓦, other building material其它建筑材料gold silver ware金银器, mural painting, royal seal玺印, calligraphy painting字画, paper money货币and others. ;;;;文物的时间跨度长达一百多万年,上起距今100多万年的蓝田猿人,下迄1840年鸦片战争。 它们从文化、艺术、科技等各个角度全面反映了陕西不同历史时期、不同阶层人们的生活,是研究中国古代历史、艺术发展、科学进步的重要基地。 Time span of historical relics is over 1,000,000 years, from Lantian Apeman蓝田猿人of 1,000,000 years ago to the Opium War鸦片战争of 1840. These all reflected lives of different ages and people of different classes from the degrees of culture, art, science and so on, and are


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