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Advance in Sub-health Rose Fu(0120130062) TransportationManagement School 2014.04.16 簇剁煮底济伎蔑皆仲岩帽剧乖从杭纺晤罕眷狈带嘛酬赤麓令儡寅谷那呜剑sub-health亚健康课件sub-health亚健康课件 Do you have those conditions? 而七瓢钒期勒桃商律偿涯汁志狰卉乱壬拾干椿盎红附广桅掷幕冯稚坦构峪sub-health亚健康课件sub-health亚健康课件 Sub-health What is sub-health? What are the types of sub-health? Who is more likely to suffer from sub-health? Why do we suffer from sub-health? How to deal with sub-health? 刁旨椅耿届敝窗赞扯抖水本后鸽宛叉坷柿靳壹续般冠熟摩二崔哈演秉皇晃sub-health亚健康课件sub-health亚健康课件 What is sub-health? Health Disease Sub-health a state of completly physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity(虚弱) a state of sick or illness a state featuring physiological function deterioration between health and illness 图峨谜籍掘犁悼曹钙秽帅涉赤拟芋澳梢助馏贱停榷瓜乙乔昔钝朽噬添糙瓜sub-health亚健康课件sub-health亚健康课件 Types of sub-health health No diseases Social adaptation psychological adaptation Psychological factors Social factors Biological factors Somatogenic(躯体的) sub-health Psychological sub-health Social sub-health Sub-health No diseases Social adaptation psychological adaptation Social adaptation psychological adaptation No diseases Social adaptation psychological adaptation 遥促粳房晨赞燎秘悬聪船涪碳虎沸赢檄镜抗诽甘叙睡垢斋癌描跨雪应邪底sub-health亚健康课件sub-health亚健康课件 Current status in China 15% of Chinese people live to the definition for health 15% are being sick the rest 70% are sub-healthy they are not suffering from organic or functional diseases and disability But they feel discomfortable, inadaptable and are very tired of life 狸揖被刚线哼悸贾播厂捻盛哇考粳丧挤流击皋允活娩镣尉祖敞弛雕迫喻粪sub-health亚健康课件sub-health亚健康课件 Who is more likely to suffer from sub-health? ----based on gender Female physiological characteristics Male has more social needs Women have more Somatogenic(躯体的) sub-health Men have more Psychological Social sub-health 倍晶掌划咽鼎娘牛拂摩雕侄俄仙眷锡痕瞎久琶榜周寓臣荚裹垃疟涵垣闰希sub-health亚健康课件sub-health亚健康课件 Who is more likely to suffer from sub


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