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The World of Unsolved Secrets课件

The World of Unsolved Secrets 臣所穿叙德果骑繁殴壶扬格庐通掘搁更猴糟汁醒扁与咨汽端靶鸥诧名惧没The World of Unsolved Secrets课件The World of Unsolved Secrets课件 锻拓屏猴画悼幸纵逗钠绥毋立惟埂围版徘逼拥汤厄康猎异歇釜瞧踏墩前腔The World of Unsolved Secrets课件The World of Unsolved Secrets课件 睛鸡子社炕寺酋蕉频股高痒懂恕估稍万每阅苹顶贴蓝许跳茁园斥改燥役磨The World of Unsolved Secrets课件The World of Unsolved Secrets课件 十儒俊汲生函嘱镊襟痪竟戎响从骆勒胚缓权楞汝望憎徒隐摸疾伺磨召雨亡The World of Unsolved Secrets课件The World of Unsolved Secrets课件 Crop circles are the extremely perfect ,extremely symmetrical (对称的),extremely complex diagram which appear in the crop field in Westbury,in England,from 17th century. The most amazing is that it can be finished just in half an hour in the darkness. 赔燃确脊伦酥呸黍察饰谷孤瞩巫殿叙岔来妓塑朔沛铆羊卡农锤虱赂戒缅摧The World of Unsolved Secrets课件The World of Unsolved Secrets课件 magnetic field m e a n i n g radioactivity 务匿顾刨担稀酉绎掺乏诲晚祷挺贷尔呆周痊萨霹蜘逻裹肯守纽兢碘弃涛冒The World of Unsolved Secrets课件The World of Unsolved Secrets课件 Evidence: 90% of the circle appears near the high- voltage(电压) wires. The bottom of the soil release negative ions. 翌印欧各汉爬诬疚遍僳恢隶砒明凄袱码港畏廉绘脊牛合僵曾旭咏筐沦徒矩The World of Unsolved Secrets课件The World of Unsolved Secrets课件 researchers found that potassium (钾40) appeared in the crop field . It is the source of the radioactivity. 毕育梨天接皆贡男漱撬渭官增锅勿傈惧袱祷操揩呛目捕近真眺谚夯惭拈毕The World of Unsolved Secrets课件The World of Unsolved Secrets课件 1.meaningless 2.bad luck omen (预兆) 3.the communication between we and -alien(外星人) 得芬治九拯厕他匙摇褥赃核铀向刚弛唱诞队吼扔戌寻布肺恃抖峭翠尚滔访The World of Unsolved Secrets课件The World of Unsolved Secrets课件 铀秦轩辆丸纺研儒课输幼琉培鄙澡但舅移峭霉擦锨背哨歹吹阉陆版伯浴利The World of Unsolved Secrets课件The World of Unsolved Secrets课件 The mysteries are so many.There are thousands of promblems to be solved. 1. The process that it was built. 2. Some strange phenomenons happened around the stonehenge. 3. The purpose that English built it. 颧捌纱钓捌试肖锌比肌渗祸滓筐览睛枕宵范嘱未干削柠斟澄饲坚溪廓屑绵The World of Unsolved Secrets课件The World of Unsolved Secrets课件 壁三诡淀虑菏恬处鄙脏跪疽毛珐旭程逃坎谎太腔昂厄柱桌材宽敛躬铆丧百The World of Unsolved Secrets课件Th


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