unit 2, book 1课件.ppt

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unit 2, book 1课件

Revision of Unit 2, Book 1;1. cheat; cheating 2. destroy; destroyer 3. intend; intention; intentional 4. treat; treatable; treatment 5. whisper 6. belief; believe 7. gentle; gently 8. breathe; breath; breather; breathless 9. encouragement; encourage; encouraged; encouraging;10. prepared; prepare; preparation 11. reduce; reduction 12. emergency 13. fortunate; fortunately; fortune; unfortunate; unfortunately 14. operation; operate 15. arrange; arrangement;The salesman cheated me____ a fake. A. to buy  B. buy  C. into buying   D. bought It’s immoral of the guy to cheat the old woman ____ money. A. in B. of C. with D. for ;Mike didn’t play football yesterday because he had ____ his leg. A. damaged  B. hurt  C. hit   D. struck The sudden earthquake caused great ______ to people’s property, which will take them a long time to recover . A. damage?? B. destruction C. loss???????????????D. harm;I got caught in the rain and my suit has been ______. A. damaged  B. destroyed  C. ruined   D. broken --- You have made a mistake again . --- Sorry ,but I ____ to. A. had not intended B. havent intended C. didnt intend D. wouldn’t intend ;Most highways are linked with billboards of advertisement, which are ______ by passing car-drivers. A. intending to read  B. intended to be reading  C. intending to reading   D. intended to be read;He treated me ____ friendliness, so I treated him ____ an ice-cream . A. with; to  B. to; to  C. with; with   D. to; with;--- Didn’t you have a good time at the party? --- Of course I did. As a matter of fact, I had such fun that time seemed to ____ so quickly. A. go by  B. go away  C. go out   D. go over;Keep trying, and you will succeed _______ . A. on time B. at times C. in time D. in no time --- Why can’t I smoke here? --- At no time____ in t


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