unit 2 text A课件.ppt

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unit 2 text A课件

馋卒伴佛华巩星滁轩逸疫剁赁英鹅蔗纤广宜窝斯引是粤骨跳悯雌畏济影讼unit 2 text A课件unit 2 text A课件;Nemo, son ;Vocabulary ;Watch the clip from the movie Finding Nemo and answer a few questions.;Generation Gap;The Doctor’s Son;Listen and Respond ;Task Two: Listen to the recording again and fill in each of the blanks according to what you have heard. don’t understand them don’t listen to anything generation gap fully communicated should know what she means some unhappiness gets involved with solve these larger problems to overcome such problems;Quotes (P.33);Quotes (P.33);stubborn survive v. survival n. frown on/upon glare at ... be sick of ... survey vs. investigate complain of/about ... complaint n. hurt/injure/harm compare ... with... compare ... to...;She won’t do what I ask — she’s very stubborn. 他死不认错。 He was too stubborn to admit that he was wrong. as stubborn as a mule/donkey 像骡子/驴子一样顽固; 非常固执 ;More examples:;survive vi. vt. [s?vaiv] survival n. [s?vaiv?l] ;frown vi. ;glare, stare, gaze, peer;The old lady ________through her spectacles at the contract. He didn’t shout or swear, but just _________silently at me. The child _________at the toys in the shop window. He ________at the word trying to remember what it meant. He ________ angrily at me when I contradicted him. ;be sick of:;complain of/about [k?mplein] complaint n. [k?mpleint] ;survey n. [s?:vei] vt. [s?:vei ] investigate ;hurt/injure/harm;compare ...with...;The poet __________ his lover _________a rose in his poems. 2. Her actions _________ sharply ________her promises. If you __________her work ________his, you’ll find hers is much better. Scientists sometimes __________the human brain______ a computer.;Warn-up Questions;Describe Doctor Eppley in a few sentences. ;What did the people in the town of Enosburg think of Doctor Eppley?;Why did the writer go to a university far away from home?;How did the writer like his university life? ;Compare the attitudes of the



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