Unit 2(Book 1) 修改定稿课件.ppt

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Unit 2(Book 1) 修改定稿课件

;Everyday English;Everyday English;Everyday English;Unit Two ;New Words and Useful Expressions in Pre-reading Activities;Key to Pre-reading Activities;Ⅲ. Exercises ;Ⅰ.Pre-reading Activities;1. Group Discussion;1. Group Discussion;1. Group Discussion;A chief executive is like a ship’s captain.; ;2. Background Information;译:;b. Good things don’t come to those who sit and wait. —— Good Things Come to Those Who Actively Wait —— Good things come to those who smile.;Parody A text that imitates the characteristic style of an author or a work for comic effect or ridicule.;戏仿 又称谐仿,是在自己的作品对其他作品进行借用,以达到调侃、嘲讽、游戏甚至致敬的目的。属二次创作的一种。戏仿的对象通常都是大众耳熟能详的作品。; 2) About the Author: Donald Sull;Detailed Study of the Text;Good Things Come to Those Who Actively Wait;Reading Comprehension Questions (p.34-5);Question 6 How can managers prepare their companies to ta... Question 7 According to the text, the particular techniqu... Question 8 In paragraph 13, the author states the signifi... Question 9 What is one of the greatest challenges in “act... Question 10 How can managers prepare their companies to t...;Para. 1;Para. 1;volatile: unstable (a.) volatility (n.) ; 后缀:-ile;后缀:-ile;be attributed to : be related to; explain by indicating a cause : 归因于,归功于;Para. 1;Paraphrase;译:;Para. 1;美国圣路易斯一赌场;译:;Para.2;study n. v.研究;Research methods 研究方法 ;译:; Question 1 What does “active waiting” mean in an economic sense? ;Para.3;in the sense that 就……而言,因为……;Such luck is too important to leave to chance.;exemplify: being a typical example of ;译:; Question 2 : The author compares a chief executive to a ship’s captain. Why does the author use the analogy?;Para. 4;Paraphrase:;be likened to 比作,好比 likeness (n.);Translation (P39);peer into 凝视、张望 peer into the heavy fog 在雾中张望 peer into the distance 凝视着远方 And thats a good thing when you are trying to peer into the future. 在你放眼未来的时候这是有益的事情。 ;Para. 4;译:;Para. 4;Paraphrase:;译:;confluence: (n.) coming togeth


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