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2. Levels of managerial work 管理工作等级 Top management---executives 高管 Middle management 中层管理人员 Lower management---supervisors, the first-line managers一线经理 3. Managerial and executive compensation system 管理之执行薪酬系统 Managerial and executive compensation system Capital appreciation plan 资本增值计划 Benefits福利 Base pay基本工资 Bonus奖金 Base pay基本工资. Represent between one and two thirds of their total compensation.占整个薪酬的1/3或2/3 Short-term incentives短期激励计划. Bonus plans can be divided into immediate-cash plans and deferred plans.奖金计划可分为现金计划和延迟支付计划。 Long-term incentives长期激励计划. The purpose of long-term incentives is to tie the executive into the long-term success of the organization.其目的是留住高管,以实现企业长期发展。 Perquisites 额外补贴 Internal内部的--- special offices and furniture that distinguish the status of the manager区别于一般经理的办公室和家具 External外部的---a car, entertainment expenses, and club memberships车,娱乐费用,俱乐部会费 Personal perquisites个人额外紧贴---free medical examination, low-cost loans, and financial or legal counseling免费医疗检查,低息贷款,金融法律咨询。 Unit 12 Incentive pay 激励工资 Variable pay可变薪酬: Pay-for-performance绩效薪酬: which focuses on performance. Incentive pay激励工资: focusing on motivating more effort from the employee. The first reason for incentive pay is an economic one. When a company faces hard times, it is hard or impossible to lower the wages of current employees. The only way the employers has to lower this cost is to lay off workers. Incentive pay can soften this necessity to lay off large number of workers by lowering the wages of all workers to some degree. 不同经济形势下,通过调节激励工资的高低,来节约资金。 A second reason is contained in the performance concept. If the company relates the pay to desired outcome, then this will increase the probability of obtaining that outcome. This may be realized if the employee works smarter, faster, or longer. Getting more accomplished with fewer people makes the promise of incentive pay very attractive to companies today. 提高员工绩效 3. As union influence has declined and the idea of par


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