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1.世界上没有任何离群索居, 独立生存的生物体, 每一种生命形态都依赖于其它的生命形态。 There are no solitary, free-living creatures; every form of life is dependent on other forms. 2.来自大众传媒极其庞大的信息似乎使我们不堪重负, 迫使我们去寻找一些概要的描述, 以便获取一些容易被我们消化和理解的新闻消息。 The sheer bulk of data from the mass media seems to overpower us and drive us to synoptic accounts for an easily and readily digestible portion of news. 3. 成年人派系之间的社会矛盾可以通过政治策略得以调解, 但是青少年和儿童在和成年人之间所构成的排斥性的世界之间却不存在此类的机制用以解决他们之间所存在的冲突。 Social tensions among adult factions can be adjusted by politics, but adolescents and children have no such mechanism for resolving their conflict with the exclusive world of adults. 4.谣言, 经过细节上添枝加叶的渲染之后, 年复一年的流传下来, 既不被否定也不被肯定,直到最后在那些以不轻信他人而著称的人们中间也被当作事 实接受。 Rumors, embroidered with detail, live on for years, neither denied nor confirmed, until they become accepted as fact even among people not known for their credulity. 5.时间是一种很奇怪的东西, 对于勤奋的人来说, 时间总是如箭般飞逝, 总是不够用。对于懒散的人来说, 时间总是如蜗牛般慢行, 总是太长。 Time is weird, since it is so fleeting and then insufficient for diligent people to make things done while the lazy liken it to the slow movement of the snail. 6. 在许多科幻电影中,善恶之争被描绘为科技上的冲突,一方面是惠泽人间的技术, 另一方面是堕落的知识分子那走火入魔的意志。 In many science fiction films, the opposition of good and evil is portrayed as a conflict between technology, which is beneficent, and the errant will of a depraved intellectual. 7.个人思想的自由应该更加绝对的比个人行动的自由受到保护,因为后者,尽管也是令人渴望的,却必须受到限制,这种限制是由别人的自由和权力所导致的。 Individual freedom of thought should be protected more absolutely than individual freedom of action, given that the latter, though also desirable, must be subject to the limits imposed by the rights and freedom of others. 8. 当过去被认为科学那客观公正的理论现在却被发现反映了一个永恒的观察和评价上的偏见时,过去认为科学所具有的客观公正的中立性就让位于一个新的认识,即所有的科学知识都是人类主观上的解释。 When theories formerly considered to be disinterested in their scientific objectivity are found instead to reflect a consistent observational and evaluative bias, then the presumed neutrality of science gives way to the recognition that categories of knowledge are h


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