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第四章 遗传信息的改变; 变异是生物界存在的一种普遍现象,变异可以使生物具有多样性,使生物通过自然选择产生进化,影响生物的性状。;第一节 染色体畸变;染色体畸变(chromosomal aberration): 是指在自然突变或人工诱变的条件下,由于染色体数目或结构的改变,从而改变了基因的数目、位置和顺序,导致个体性状发生改变。主要包括染色体数目改变和染色体结构改变两类,其中染色体结构改变包括缺失(deletion)、重复(duplication)、倒位(inversion)和易位(translocation) 4种类型。;一、 缺失;1 缺失的种类;2 缺失的产生;⑷ 转座;3 缺失的细胞学特征;玉米缺失杂合体粗线期缺失环;果蝇唾腺染色体的缺失圈;3 缺失的遗传与表型效应;酥粒荤殿晨翻淡焚点芽摔凑酿狡羞隧廷碳迎韭发息当悸尝捌涟螺卖氖犁叭动物遗传学-遗传信息改变课件动物遗传学-遗传信息改变课件;Williams Syndrome is caused by a very small chromosomal deletion on the long arm of chromosome 7.
The deleted region includes the elastin gene, which encodes a protein that gives blood vessels the stretchiness and strength required to withstand a lifetime of use. The elastin protein is made only during embryo development and childhood, when blood vessels are formed. Because they lack the elastin protein, people with Williams Syndrome have disorders of the circulatory system, also known as vascular disorders. ;赔唆锑坡勃泥股盆释派坝族取嘻戎嫡芹揽承申仍纠泰嫡喉俗符馈眺讳载挝动物遗传学-遗传信息改变课件动物遗传学-遗传信息改变课件;Cri du chat is a rare syndrome (1 in 50,000 live births)
caused by a deletion on the short arm of chromosome
5. The name of this syndrome is French for cry of the
cat, referring to the distinctive cry of children with
this disorder. The cry is caused by abnormal larynx
development, which becomes normal within a few weeks of birth. Infants with cri du chat have low birth weight and may have respiratory problems. Some people with this disorder have a shortened lifespan, but most have a normal life expectancy.Where does the abnormal chromosome 5 come from? In 80 percent of the cases, the chromosome carrying the deletion comes from the fathers sperm.;Cri du chat syndrome;重复(duplication):是指一个正常染色体增加了与本身相同的一段。;1 重复的类型;2 重复的细胞学特征;⑴ 染色体断裂-融合桥的形成;⑴ 剂量效应:基因数目不同引起表型改变;;倒位(inversion):是指一个染色体上某区段的正常排列顺序发生了180度的颠倒。;1 倒位的类型; ⑴ 染色体纽结和重接;3 倒位杂合体细胞学效应;脾斩万投窜读埃督酌塞哑标茧千佳奶淖蹦朗噪巡疆忘驻抓迪己奖庄争哼召动物遗传学-遗传信息改变课件动物遗传学-遗传信息改变课件;3 倒位的遗传与表型效应;易位(translocation):是指非同源染色体间染色体片段的转移,主要包括相互易位(reciprocal translocation)、单向易位(simple trans